Move over Einstein. Look on the's George Noory!

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Last night the idiot Noory asked the guest who was speaking about vampires, "What's the difference between a vampire and a zombie." WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! Really George? Was that 3rd grade level question part of your 8 hour prep before the show?
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I wanted to strangle him the first 2 hours of the show. That doctor guy was making me crazy and then Snoorge acting like he knew everything made me nuts.
He was so distracted with the second guest and seemed condescending when he finally did listen to her. He asks questions that a third grader would be embarrassed to ask. How does this moron hack keep his job?
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By 3:30 I'd finally had it. I turned the radio down waaaay low and WILLED myself to sleep. He honestly was making me crazy last night. And you KNOW he's like that with women! Did you hear him fumble when they lost the line with the doc? He was trying to fill dead air, was off script, and he was scrambling around like a novice broadcaster!
That's his level of expertise-novice. I want to choke him out most nights. If it weren't for the topic or guest he has on, I wouldn't listen. That plus his only competition is infomercials.
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Can't believe "the bed" let you stay awake to listen in last night! lol
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