Who has what?

A brilliant interpretation ! I think you should save this somewhere.
Thank you Lynne. I’ve spoken to both of these beliefs separately before. Maybe I haven’t put them together before.
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I’ve been introspective the past few weeks and thought you all could appreciate what I have uncovered about my experiences. It reasonably fits into this thread.

I have no idea for why nor how the following is true but, based upon my own analysis, it absolutely seems to be true.

My psychic and other paranormal experiences have a definite five year cycle. Starting in 1977, when my psychic self emerged, my experiences increased in frequency until 1982 when they started to wane. Then, again in 1987 my experiences began to increase but occurrence slowed down after 1992.

This pattern was difficult to even imagine looking at recent experiences because I’ve been less open and receptive in the past 18 years as compared to the decades before that. But in looking over my journal, this kind of pattern is obvious in the 25 years between 1977 and 2002.

Maybe someone familiar with numerology or astrology might see a pattern based on external influences.
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