2-4-2023 Saturday Live Chat

Ok this is a test. What am I talking. about?

1 OMG did you just hear that?
2 Wait, what was that? WHAT was that?
3. Sounds like a woman's voice.Or a babies ...or a llama in heat......
4 Did you just see that,? in the corner of the kitchen... I think I saw a ball of light...
5. It's so cold in here, did you feel the temperature change??

6. i absolutely just heard a growl...and then,.I think it said. GET THE ....FU...FU...FU..FUCCC...........heck OUT !!!!!

and on the next season of { Any Paranormal investigation show I've ever seen.}
I love Dave Schrader. I do enjoy HOLZER FILES ..but some of these shows.... Wonder what our boy Timothy is doing these days? (probably stress eating)Does Dave still do his radio show?
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