10-14-2020 Wednesday Live Chat

Well, we now have full screen on the live chat. That may help.
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gotta run for a minute, be back through in a little while, you guys have a great day. later everyone
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We'll see how it goes the next few days. We're trying to learn all the ropes on this. lol
Hope you are all dusting the furniture and polishing the silver.
Not quite, but I put a serious strain on my back by sweeping the entire kitchen floor yesterday. I usually let Mr. Garnet do it, but was trying to help, lol.
Morning folks. You know morning happens at a lot of different times of the day. I always look at it as like it is morning SOMEWHERE no matter what tie i rise and shine. When Debi rose at 7 I have been asleep for a little less than 2 hours but then was up and going by 9. Nearly 4 hours sleep is about as good as I do these days.

I usually use Firefox. I tried Google again but it seemed to have problems with some of my sites so I dumped it.

I expect the tension level to just keep rising and have a slight hope that it will subside once the election is done and over with. I always hate election years. It is always a negative experience that wears us down to a nub but this year is a LOT worse than any that I remember. Both parties seem to be trying to make the American people feel as if the choice of the people will not be respected or accepted and both seem to be saying that they will only accept it if THEY win. ??? I fear that they are forgetting who exactly runs this country. I will just be glad when it is done...
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Evening, all. Nightly PNF intentional request at top of the hour.