10-14-2020 Wednesday Live Chat

Good morning gang. I’m missing everyone. My family duties are keeping me away this week. Hope you are all dusting the furniture and polishing the silver. I hope to be more present next week. It’s a gray October morning. I miss the sun, although I love fall, I’m not looking forward to the short cold days of winter.
Good morning gang. I’m missing everyone. My family duties are keeping me away this week. Hope you are all dusting the furniture and polishing the silver. I hope to be more present next week. It’s a gray October morning. I miss the sun, although I love fall, I’m not looking forward to the short cold days of winter.
Good morning, Lynne. Good to see you even if for a brief visit. :)
Hi Paul. Are you painting this morning ?
not this morning, still trying to get coherent enough to plan the day out...lol..... been doing some projects in the shop lately and some other types of art work that has kept me busy the last few weeks.
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