Enough is Enough...I Think it is time to kick some Indian Spirit butt!

I am often hesitant to join these kinds of conversations unless led but I had to log back in and speak (hopefully I make sense as my energy level is very low)

In this case I feel it needs be as getting here is hard as walking through water with that gator in my arms and a mouth full of ash.

I have not posted about all of the experiences about my childhood home as of yet. I have recently spoken privately with Debi about my recurring dreams of that home. These 'visitations' from a presence i always believed have been following me for about 30 years now. Before i joined this site, i confronted this presence in the last nightmare i had of it. It has since left me alone. For now. BUT, i just got off the phone not long ago with my sister, and we got talking about our old house. We exchanged experiences again, as we do every so often when compelled to speak of that house. Now, i've said before in other posts i have lived in my current home for 20+ years. My childhood home i lived in from birth to 17 years of age. My sister has been living in her current home with her husband and family for 30+ years. Both of us have always dreamed of THAT house. Not my current one..not her's...that one. Now, please excuse me if i step out of line by saying now, i am PISSED. I just found today, my sister had a really bad nightmare about that house about a week ago. Now i had my last nightmare of it just over a month ago. My sister told me that in the dream, she and some others were sitting in the kitchen when she said she heard something upstairs. In her dream, my niece, whom we are EXTREMELY protective over because she has been battling illness for some time now, was upstairs in this dream. My sister said she ran upstairs...believing it was her old bedroom. When she entered the room, my niece was sleeping on the bed and SOMETHING was standing at the foot of the bed...Grey in color...sound familiar Debi? She flipped out and flung the sheet off of my niece and actually put it over the grey shape. She picked my niece up..though fully grown girl, and ran to the stairs. Just as she about got off the stairs, something grabbed my niece and began pulling her away from my sister. This damn thing has been bothering me for the past 30 years...Don't even tell me it is going after my niece now...cause that my friend is war.

I experienced horrible nightmare's as a child and into adulthood. Not of a house but a room in that house that terrified me waking or sleeping. They were often reoccurring and always ongoing like a time loop of horrors in an old black and white movie. These dreams were a huge part of why I 'travelled' as soon as I could do. If I was moving from place to place I could have a semblance of a 'normal' life - but as soon as I settled into a place thinking I might be free, the attacks began again... THAT room was everywhere. You could feel it manifest into the house or apartment or or or within hours of my intent to stay... and THAT room was closed off but it could send it's evil dark energy throughout the dwelling and enslave me with terror.... TERROR... many times I would wake to my dog/s growling, hair standing straight up, saliva dripping from it's mouth and often I would have to get up and walk the night to a gas station or ANYWHERE there were people to make sure I was awake - because on particularly horrific nights I would simply wake up inside the dream again and again.

When I was in my mid-twenties with 3 small children the attacks (which they were but who knew) became so bad that I began to do Quualude's and a six pack until I passed out. I finally sought medical help because I was afraid I would become unable to care for my children. The doctor put me on Lithium. And the rabbit hole got deeper. I was simply shutting down. Period. When I was 27 I packed what a 69 mustang would hold and my kids and fled the nightmares and drugs and alcohol and travelled non-stop for 48 hours to my Sister's thinking at least she would care for my kids... I did not plan on living in this thing any more.

The second night, then the third, then a week, then two... Blessed silence in my sleep state. As I became more rested I opened up to my Sister a little at a time. We weren't best friends nor particularly close... sometimes down right adversaries. As my story unfolded over many hours, my Sister became paler and paler and paler... soon she was adding facts and details that she could not have known... but she did... because she had suffered the same exact horror's since she was very young. To the tiniest details.

That realization froze my blood in my marrow and I puked and puked and puked. And puked some more.

The next morning over coffee - still stunned - still struggling to understand - my Sister said "what are we going to do?" "well, I don't know about you but I'm gonna stop living because I just can't do this anymore... WON'T do this anymore". "So, she says... We're going to fight..." And from that moment on we understood this was NOT a dream thing... It was very VERY real... we were simply our weakest when we were asleep. The first thing we did was to study, then practice... LUCID Dreaming. That's no easy hobby to pick up but this was War. AND apparently the two of us together was not a venture these eI*II0!89343988349((*( wanted to undertake,

It took less time then you'd think. At first after much struggle we could wake ourselves up (usually) which meant that subconsciously we knew we were asleep -- then in a dream state - then able to control (some what) our role in the dream - body movements and such - and when we felt ready - we took the war to them. (Spirituallly) in dream time. Which by the way is wayyyyyyyyy better then in real time. The whatever/s fled when we pulled the grey cloaks from their faces - we won't speak of that here - or anywhere... and they never returned.

What it is often hard for people to understand is that these entities are NOT ghosts and Spiritual Warfare come's slinking in many forms from the stench and muck of that river. And the horrors I witnessed in those dreams is nothing, NOTHING compared to what I witnessed here - in real time. Crawling up from the ground and from under rocks and boulders and all dark places. Spiritual Warfare SUCKS.... heck, even coming to the knowledge it IS sucks... but it is not ghost and spirits you are fighting - it's - well... pray you don't have to define this thing - EVER.

All have given you good advice here. But I will add - before it is done you will Stand on one side or the other and boy - all but the arrogant will take one glimpse and start girding themselves with the Powers and Weapons of The Light cause a glimpse will turn a piece of your soul to stone dead dead dead - to actually LOOK on the face of evil is to forfeit your soul period.

My truth is all I can offer you - Be Still and KNOW That He is God - and this... this is the Ancient of Ancients you deal with - not Native American Spirits... Learn to discern because you will not be able to tell a book from it's cover - You are now walking through The Shadow of The Valley of Death - if you chose to believe otherwise, find someone that CAN believe a priest MIGHT be learned enough to help. And get on your knee's and pray pray pray. For Wisdom in the matter.

Peace Be Upon Your House and Protection Surround You and Yours

Until The Lily Comes
I am often hesitant to join these kinds of conversations unless led but I had to log back in and speak (hopefully I make sense as my energy level is very low)

In this case I feel it needs be as getting here is hard as walking through water with that gator in my arms and a mouth full of ash.

I experienced horrible nightmare's as a child and into adulthood. Not of a house but a room in that house that terrified me waking or sleeping. They were often reoccurring and always ongoing like a time loop of horrors in an old black and white movie. These dreams were a huge part of why I 'travelled' as soon as I could do. If I was moving from place to place I could have a semblance of a 'normal' life - but as soon as I settled into a place thinking I might be free, the attacks began again... THAT room was everywhere. You could feel it manifest into the house or apartment or or or within hours of my intent to stay... and THAT room was closed off but it could send it's evil dark energy throughout the dwelling and enslave me with terror.... TERROR... many times I would wake to my dog/s growling, hair standing straight up, saliva dripping from it's mouth and often I would have to get up and walk the night to a gas station or ANYWHERE there were people to make sure I was awake - because on particularly horrific nights I would simply wake up inside the dream again and again.

When I was in my mid-twenties with 3 small children the attacks (which they were but who knew) became so bad that I began to do Quualude's and a six pack until I passed out. I finally sought medical help because I was afraid I would become unable to care for my children. The doctor put me on Lithium. And the rabbit hole got deeper. I was simply shutting down. Period. When I was 27 I packed what a 69 mustang would hold and my kids and fled the nightmares and drugs and alcohol and travelled non-stop for 48 hours to my Sister's thinking at least she would care for my kids... I did not plan on living in this thing any more.

The second night, then the third, then a week, then two... Blessed silence in my sleep state. As I became more rested I opened up to my Sister a little at a time. We weren't best friends nor particularly close... sometimes down right adversaries. As my story unfolded over many hours, my Sister became paler and paler and paler... soon she was adding facts and details that she could not have known... but she did... because she had suffered the same exact horror's since she was very young. To the tiniest details.

That realization froze my blood in my marrow and I puked and puked and puked. And puked some more.

The next morning over coffee - still stunned - still struggling to understand - my Sister said "what are we going to do?" "well, I don't know about you but I'm gonna stop living because I just can't do this anymore... WON'T do this anymore". "So, she says... We're going to fight..." And from that moment on we understood this was NOT a dream thing... It was very VERY real... we were simply our weakest when we were asleep. The first thing we did was to study, then practice... LUCID Dreaming. That's no easy hobby to pick up but this was War. AND apparently the two of us together was not a venture these eI*II0!89343988349((*( wanted to undertake,

It took less time then you'd think. At first after much struggle we could wake ourselves up (usually) which meant that subconsciously we knew we were asleep -- then in a dream state - then able to control (some what) our role in the dream - body movements and such - and when we felt ready - we took the war to them. (Spirituallly) in dream time. Which by the way is wayyyyyyyyy better then in real time. The whatever/s fled when we pulled the grey cloaks from their faces - we won't speak of that here - or anywhere... and they never returned.

What it is often hard for people to understand is that these entities are NOT ghosts and Spiritual Warfare come's slinking in many forms from the stench and muck of that river. And the horrors I witnessed in those dreams is nothing, NOTHING compared to what I witnessed here - in real time. Crawling up from the ground and from under rocks and boulders and all dark places. Spiritual Warfare SUCKS.... heck, even coming to the knowledge it IS sucks... but it is not ghost and spirits you are fighting - it's - well... pray you don't have to define this thing - EVER.

All have given you good advice here. But I will add - before it is done you will Stand on one side or the other and boy - all but the arrogant will take one glimpse and start girding themselves with the Powers and Weapons of The Light cause a glimpse will turn a piece of your soul to stone dead dead dead - to actually LOOK on the face of evil is to forfeit your soul period.

My truth is all I can offer you - Be Still and KNOW That He is God - and this... this is the Ancient of Ancients you deal with - not Native American Spirits... Learn to discern because you will not be able to tell a book from it's cover - You are now walking through The Shadow of The Valley of Death - if you chose to believe otherwise, find someone that CAN believe a priest MIGHT be learned enough to help. And get on your knee's and pray pray pray. For Wisdom in the matter.

Peace Be Upon Your House and Protection Surround You and Yours

Until The Lily Comes
Since confronting this thing, it has NOT returned. My sister has not brought it up to me again, so she may have dealt with it in her own way. She never did have nightmares of that house as i did, but the timing of it leaving me alone and her first real nightmare of it was too much to toss aside. I appreciate all advice i have gotten from here. My Saint Benedict crucifix hangs proudly in my home. My life has had it's ups and downs, but with family and lot's of humor, oh and lot's of fishing :)...this thing will bother me no more.
It took less time then you'd think. At first after much struggle we could wake ourselves up (usually) which meant that subconsciously we knew we were asleep -- then in a dream state - then able to control (some what) our role in the dream - body movements and such - and when we felt ready - we took the war to them. (Spirituallly) in dream time. Which by the way is wayyyyyyyyy better then in real time. The whatever/s fled when we pulled the grey cloaks from their faces - we won't speak of that here - or anywhere... and they never returned.
I am glad you and your sister were able to rid yourselves of that. I know some don't quite understand what going through that is like. I've told myself for years it was my imagination or stress or whatever i could to rationalize it. But after time, you come to terms that it IS something else. If you do not, it will haunt you till the grave. Life is precious. Those things do not deserve one second of robbing you of that.
I had a recurring nightmare which lasted from childhood into early adulthood, where this cloaked thing kept chasing me and trying to smother me. Then I stumbled upon lucid dreaming. Actually after many sleepless or restless nights where I dreaded falling asleep because of the thing that pursued me, I read an article about instructing yourself to lucid dream before you sleep. I took that thing down so easily! I have never had the dream again, either. I think these things can only flourish in our ignorance, and when their so called victim learns what they are and how to fight them, they flee like the cowards that they are.
Since confronting this thing, it has NOT returned. My sister has not brought it up to me again, so she may have dealt with it in her own way. She never did have nightmares of that house as i did, but the timing of it leaving me alone and her first real nightmare of it was too much to toss aside. I appreciate all advice i have gotten from here. My Saint Benedict crucifix hangs proudly in my home. My life has had it's ups and downs, but with family and lot's of humor, oh and lot's of fishing :)...this thing will bother me no more.
My life has had it's ups and downs, but with family and lot's of humor, oh and lot's of fishing :)...this thing will bother me no more.
You and me both Selectric... A tip of my Cup to THAT! 'looks suspiciously behind her, picks up her Holy Oil and Sage and and and - crosses her fingers just so and spits through them - and HEY! is that a Sword hilt or a tail of some kind that shows through the slit in her duster????' :eek:
I had a recurring nightmare which lasted from childhood into early adulthood, where this cloaked thing kept chasing me and trying to smother me. Then I stumbled upon lucid dreaming. Actually after many sleepless or restless nights where I dreaded falling asleep because of the thing that pursued me, I read an article about instructing yourself to lucid dream before you sleep. I took that thing down so easily! I have never had the dream again, either. I think these things can only flourish in our ignorance, and when their so called victim learns what they are and how to fight them, they flee like the cowards that they are.
When I was a child I had a recurring dream about being chased and in the dream I knew that if I could get home I would be safe, but I was too far so instead I would run to a place that had a light pole I could hide "behind". It was like a dimensional gate or something where I could slip into an different space to hide. I would keep a crack open to watch to know when it was safe to come out and who ever was chasing me would run by looking for me, knowing I had just "disappeared", going around the light pole but not seeing me or the crack I watched from. I never remembered why I was being chased or how I knew about the light pole.
Since confronting this thing, it has NOT returned. My sister has not brought it up to me again, so she may have dealt with it in her own way. She never did have nightmares of that house as i did, but the timing of it leaving me alone and her first real nightmare of it was too much to toss aside. I appreciate all advice i have gotten from here. My Saint Benedict crucifix hangs proudly in my home. My life has had it's ups and downs, but with family and lot's of humor, oh and lot's of fishing :)...this thing will bother me no more.
I was thinking about all this tonight... carried me wayyyyyyyy back. This post though glittered like a far Star on a cold and moonless night. So I travelled there to See what made it twinkle so like a prism in a perfect Light. A Truth it was - so beautiful it could only broadcast in the energy that is the Light Spectrum that paints a rainbow billions of Light years away in a future not yet breathed into manifestation.

OH! I said. How do you do and How do I don't then? A merriment of symphony carried my ears to a Chapel of Laughter and Love where sound and color had no separation and Love was The Light that diffused breath into it and Sacrifice the Light that dispersed it into myriad when's and where's and then and now's like two Children playing at bubbles on a back porch on a bright summer's day.

Ride a color back then Childe, but first turn and look at your home from this where and when. So I turned and looked toward a world not yet and OH! is that??? Yes Childe that is what was and is and will be. That far Star twinkling beautiful and bright is not a Star at all... it is your home, your Earth, your Light that makes it seem so. You do and I do there is no don't when the One who is Seeing Stands here or there or at all. That Love of another is the anchor that holds when all else folds Childe... an energy so pure and beautiful that it can only broadcast in the Spectrum of Light.

And reading this post I felt laughter bubble up from a deep far Star, only the symphony was here, in this Chapel named Earth. Looking down at my open hand I saw a color of beauty not yet breathed into manifestation encased in a Orb that broadcast Universe's of Colors and Eternities of twinkles reflecting them into the For Ever OH! A Truth awakened into manifestation and broadcasting prisms of brillient twinkling rays in myriad Colors of Light manifesting, all riding within Bubbles so fragile with beauty only Love could have breathed them and only Light was Light enough to send them on Journeys and Adventures to other Chapels out there in the Far Away where also Earth Stood with Her Children twinkling so fiercely the observer would say OH! How is it that this one does and I don't and so begin a Journey to discover what Truth it could discover powerful enough to cause such a Star to Be.

The Truth that holds when all else folds is Love.

I have listened to your stories and discerned your truths and I KNOW this... You, Debi. Oz, Garnet and many many others who dwell now and are yet to come in/to Debi's House... and yes, staring now, at the Orb in my Hand manifesting, I remember and humbly accept that I too might have a slight if tarnished twinkle to offer and add to this Truth because the similarity that binds is the Truth of Love.

Love will ALWAYS manifest to it's highest Power when one Stands so another might be saved. Sacrifice is the highest Power of Light manifested through Love.
the Truth of Love.
It's the strongest power I feel. I like your new avatar Donna, I'm glad I'm not the only one that dresses up pitbulls, lol.


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