Today's Question...

My goodness! I have so many weird and wonderful dreams that it's hard to know where to begin!

I used to have a recurring-type dream (similar theme but not exactly the same dream) where I would meet a wild animal such as a lion, wolf or bear, usually in a forest. I would be able to converse with the creature and it would impart some great wisdom to me. I never could remember what the advice was when I woke up, but I would always wake up with a literal warm glow inside me and would feel deeply comforted and "warm and fuzzy" for days after.

Another one I had, more recently, was that the Nazis had invaded Britain because they wanted our cheese. I had hidden a wheel of Brie in a welly in the shed, but unfortunately, they found it. We were just about to meet our fate when Harry Potter zoomed into my garden on his broomstick and saved us all! :laughing:
My goodness! I have so many weird and wonderful dreams that it's hard to know where to begin!

I used to have a recurring-type dream (similar theme but not exactly the same dream) where I would meet a wild animal such as a lion, wolf or bear, usually in a forest. I would be able to converse with the creature and it would impart some great wisdom to me. I never could remember what the advice was when I woke up, but I would always wake up with a literal warm glow inside me and would feel deeply comforted and "warm and fuzzy" for days after.

Another one I had, more recently, was that the Nazis had invaded Britain because they wanted our cheese. I had hidden a wheel of Brie in a welly in the shed, but unfortunately, they found it. We were just about to meet our fate when Harry Potter zoomed into my garden on his broomstick and saved us all! :laughing:
Whatever you drank the night of the Nazi v. Potter cheese dream, please send me a six pack.
Last night I dreamed I was standing on a long stone colonnade, a brick wall on one side, a cliff on the other, looking out over a sparkling blue sea. I could hear or "feel" someone behind me, addressing me, but couldn't turn to see and couldn't really hear what they were saying. I think it was a woman.

Then I woke up.

Not very interesting, but what's noteworthy is that I haven't remembered a dream in years and years, yet this one stuck.
Last night I dreamed I was standing on a long stone colonnade, a brick wall on one side, a cliff on the other, looking out over a sparkling blue sea. I could hear or "feel" someone behind me, addressing me, but couldn't turn to see and couldn't really hear what they were saying. I think it was a woman.

Then I woke up.

Not very interesting, but what's noteworthy is that I haven't remembered a dream in years and years, yet this one stuck.
That had to be a spirit guide! You might have heard her message subliminally.
That had to be a spirit guide! You might have heard her message subliminally.

Garnet, I've been working with some sensitives lately, who are training me to develop my own senses. It seems I can sense energy. I have discovered that I can sense portals and strong spirits (not that kind of strong spirits lol) in the last few months so who knows? Maybe I'm finally opening my eyes and ears to things spirits have been trying to tell me for years.
Just the fact that I remembered the dream is amazing. Even more amazing is that it was pleasant, light and airy.
Garnet, I've been working with some sensitives lately, who are training me to develop my own senses. It seems I can sense energy. I have discovered that I can sense portals and strong spirits (not that kind of strong spirits lol) in the last few months so who knows? Maybe I'm finally opening my eyes and ears to things spirits have been trying to tell me for years.
Just the fact that I remembered the dream is amazing. Even more amazing is that it was pleasant, light and airy.
I love those kinds of dreams.
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