Today's Question...


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

Sometimes we keep it to ourselves but we all have one that sits in our mind that we contemplate...
What's that one dream you've never told anyone about?

(Keep it clean, folks.)
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I've told this story to a select few people, but I'm not sure if I've ever really told it here. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I was having an unpleasant dream - but not quite a nightmare. I remember waking up without warning to something sitting on the edge of my bed that I could sense but couldn't see. To most, this would be terrifying but it had the most calming and peaceful presence that I'd ever experienced. I must have been about 19 or 20 at the time, and I fell back to sleep with no further problems immediately afterwards.
In the mid 80s while sleeping in a hotel in Long Beach, I had the most vivid dream of my life. Like in a scene painted on the roof of some baroque cathedral, I clearly saw Christ in parting clouds surrounded by angels. I don't remember anything being said, but when I woke up I was crying. I didn't go back to sleep.

The image looked similar to this in style, but with only Christ and angels.
My gran lived up the street from me as a kid, I used to have a recurring dream I'd be half way to her house when a pack of big black dogs would come around the corner and I couldn't decide whether to run home or to nan's. It was terrifying and I remember the dogs to be Rottweilers, a breed that was unheard of over here in those days. I remember being shocked into the dream memory when I first saw one years later.
I've had a plethora of crazy dreams in my life, from my childhood reoccurring dream of a headless man driving a black sedan trying to run me over, to a dream about an alien invasion two nights ago. Here is a poem I wrote about the dream two nights ago.