Has anything changed?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
I found myself thinking (at 3 AM again) how many of my once "firm" beliefs about the causes of paranormal activity have changed over the years. A much bigger picture has formed in my mind now. And I'm much more open to listening to that inner voice that sometimes whispers...sometimes screams.

At the supposed age of wisdom that I now find myself, I find that my new understanding of how things work is much larger than what I had previously thought, and at the same time, it has brought me full circle in my religious beliefs back to my Catholic beginnings.

And it's all connected.

As you have researched and looked for answers over the years, what has been your experience with new information you may have come across? Has anything changed for you?
I think my ideas, theories on the paranormal are constantly changing or should I say adjusting. I'm open to mundane reasons and am happy to accept them if they are true. That is only a small percent though of what I've experienced, most of which remains unexplained and probably always will. I'm happy to accept that but I really hope we see the big picture when we leave our bodies behind.
it has brought me full circle in my religious beliefs back to my Catholic beginnings.
I was turned away from religion as a kid for various reasons but I've noticed a lot of the paranormal has strong ties to religion and it leads back to it as you say. It's sort of a shock to me but it could be the path to the truth about this.
I think my ideas, theories on the paranormal are constantly changing or should I say adjusting. I'm open to mundane reasons and am happy to accept them if they are true. That is only a small percent though of what I've experienced, most of which remains unexplained and probably always will. I'm happy to accept that but I really hope we see the big picture when we leave our bodies behind.
I believe we will see that big picture, Oz.
well, i am far from wise, and while my ideas or views have certainly changed over the years i am still no where closer to the answers than i was at a much younger age. when talking of the paranormal in this context/topic, i will say i dont consider the UFO/UAP or cryptid field of study to be in this genre. i still look at those as being flesh and blood, yet to be proven/discovered beings.... so this for me would only be related to psychic abilities, life after death, religions, mystical etc..... my view on these have changed greatly through the years as small pieces have come together to form a much bigger picture. the connectedness of all there is, the one center, the purpose.............life, learning,lessons,understanding, openness to the universe....things without words to explain, (at least at this point of the journey, YMMV....lol).....
it does seem as though the more you accept the more you will be shown. but out of stubbornness and hard headedness i still make this journey waaaay harder than it should be......maybe one day i will be wise enough to know what to do willingly instead of questioning what is so clear and right in front of me...............maybe
My views tend to change while my core beliefs remain pretty well intact. The past few months though, my beliefs have taken a hit. I know it's a temporary side step and we are all allowed to question ourselves and everything around us. Perhaps i have been too eager for even the smallest visitation from my dad. I know he has moved on and is at peace. That belief has not changed. Would be nice for God or Dad to throw me that bone. I have not had visitations from every single person i lost through the years, so i get it. That's not how 'things work' beyond this world. Or is it? We're not supposed to know everything, but come on, this is a bone i have been sitting very patiently for. As the days and months go by, my patience is turning to doubt and sadness. Now, i do remember the last visitation i experienced ended on a very terrifying note. Maybe i should start beating my head into a wall exclaiming: Be Careful What You Wish For! I miss my dad and seeing him one more time would be fulfilling, but is it worth the potential risk of those things circling in the shadows?
My views tend to change while my core beliefs remain pretty well intact. The past few months though, my beliefs have taken a hit. I know it's a temporary side step and we are all allowed to question ourselves and everything around us. Perhaps i have been too eager for even the smallest visitation from my dad. I know he has moved on and is at peace. That belief has not changed. Would be nice for God or Dad to throw me that bone. I have not had visitations from every single person i lost through the years, so i get it. That's not how 'things work' beyond this world. Or is it? We're not supposed to know everything, but come on, this is a bone i have been sitting very patiently for. As the days and months go by, my patience is turning to doubt and sadness. Now, i do remember the last visitation i experienced ended on a very terrifying note. Maybe i should start beating my head into a wall exclaiming: Be Careful What You Wish For! I miss my dad and seeing him one more time would be fulfilling, but is it worth the potential risk of those things circling in the shadows?
it will happen when the time is right selectric.... our timeline/path isnt so much up to us as we would like to believe. sure we can rush some things, or wish hard enough to force a change at times, but the outcome remains the same.... i do now believe this to be true. regardless of the path we take or choices we make...... try not to rush anything, patience really is golden. i think things along those lines is one thing that led me to the "zen" side of teachings.... enlightenment comes only when all is lost... when the beating of your head against the wall has stopped. like a flash, things will be revealed................
Coming from a family who has experienced paranormal occurrences, there was a lot that I accepted about it. Lately, I have been humbled by how much I don't know. The happenings of the past five years have shown me that there is still a vast landscape of the inexplicable. The way things have changed, is that I sincerely believe that there is a lot more evil out there than before! Or, maybe it has always been there and I have become better able to pick up on it. And I have learned I have gifts that help to protect from it. Best of all, I have discovered PNF and found others like myself!
Speaking of Dimensional opening, portals, yes. in the last 4-6 years, the cryptid world has just exploded! Particularly Dogman sightings. 10 years ago you never really heard of Dogmen in the way you hear it now, like a household name almost. My ghost sightings at the building helped shape my current belief's as well as the many, many shadows lurking up in the 2 and 300 level of that arena. The world is a darker place. This is certain, you can feel it....