
During 9/11, as the towers were going, it was reported by many that angels were seen coming to take the victims upward. There were hundreds of these angel sightings that day. Reports even came from those with no religious background.
I'm not religious myself, or not committed to a specific belief, but it makes me wonder what the Angels are.
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I'm not religious myself, or not committed to a specific belief, but it makes me wonder what the Angels are.
I've not shared it publicly, but the mods and a few others know I recently saw an angel, or what I believe was one, in August when I had an extreme medical emergency. I believe they are real and beings that are sent to us by a Creator to help, guard and guide us. Mine did.
not at other life endings
Oz, I just caught this statement. After working 30 years in the medical profession in different capacities, I spent the last 10 of them in a geriatric long term care facility. They are there. I have seen them, and many other nurses and other workers will tell you that they do come to help guide some over. Many other times, family members greet them as they cross. I have seen them as well, and have witnessed many times the dying talking to them right before they cross.

When my husband fell off a ladder he was in ICU for almost a month. At one point, he was talking to his father and grandfather. I had to argue with them it was not my husbands time and also convince my husband not to go with them. He had a choice and was able to tell me so. He chose to live. This was witnessed by my two sons and two nurses. I could feel them in the room and also hear whispers of the conversation from the other side. We also smelled the cigar smoke of both of the deceased men. This in a very sterile setting.

There is always someone willing to guide them over. We are not alone as we leave this world.
Debi thanks for sharing this again. It is so faith affirming. It gives everyone comfort to know we are not alone and that life continues.
I believe that there are angels that visit us from another dimension and I believe that there are angels that we encounter in our daily lives. I believe this because I get to feel in the energy every day on the ParaNormal Forum.

They have even written songs about it such as the Becky Hobbs / Don Goodman Alabama song above.
Back in the 70's, I used to waitress at a boardwalk restaurant in the Jersey Shore area. All kinds of people would come there, after a day at the beach, and inevitably there were some bad types too; drunken men and tipsy college students were always harassing the waitresses. I often had to take a taxi because it was a long walk home, otherwise. One night, I hadn't made enough tips for a taxi, and was faced with a long walk, around two o'clock in the morning. It was drizzling and foggy out but not too cold. I had covered maybe one third of the distance, and was approaching the creepiest part of my walk; a stretch of road where there were no houses, and a cemetery on the side of the road. I suddenly stopped walking, aware of a horrible feeling. I was a bit chilly and just wanted to get home, but the foreboding of evil was so strong that all I could do was stand there, shivering and trying to peer ahead through the fog that was swirling everywhere. Every time that I tried to take another step, the horrible feeling grew. I finally realized that something or someone was waiting for me in that cemetery, and if I continued my journey it wouldn't end well!

I didn't hear an actual warning, but it was as if someone was saying No! Don't walk there! I started to pray, not sure how I was to get home. I retraced my steps until I saw a small coffee shop, and was thinking about going in when a big eighteen wheeler truck pulled up. The driver got out and went in, and I decided to do something I normally wouldn't - I would hitch a ride. I knew that he was going to pass that cemetery and than go on to the major road that I usually took, so I waited. When the driver came out, I asked if I could ride with him a short distance, and he said yes. Many times I have wondered what was in store for me, but I felt that my guardian angel was on the look out for me that night! I got home safely, at any rate!