
Back in the 70's, I used to waitress at a boardwalk restaurant in the Jersey Shore area. All kinds of people would come there, after a day at the beach, and inevitably there were some bad types too; drunken men and tipsy college students were always harassing the waitresses. I often had to take a taxi because it was a long walk home, otherwise. One night, I hadn't made enough tips for a taxi, and was faced with a long walk, around two o'clock in the morning. It was drizzling and foggy out but not too cold. I had covered maybe one third of the distance, and was approaching the creepiest part of my walk; a stretch of road where there were no houses, and a cemetery on the side of the road. I suddenly stopped walking, aware of a horrible feeling. I was a bit chilly and just wanted to get home, but the foreboding of evil was so strong that all I could do was stand there, shivering and trying to peer ahead through the fog that was swirling everywhere. Every time that I tried to take another step, the horrible feeling grew. I finally realized that something or someone was waiting for me in that cemetery, and if I continued my journey it wouldn't end well!

I didn't hear an actual warning, but it was as if someone was saying No! Don't walk there! I started to pray, not sure how I was to get home. I retraced my steps until I saw a small coffee shop, and was thinking about going in when a big eighteen wheeler truck pulled up. The driver got out and went in, and I decided to do something I normally wouldn't - I would hitch a ride. I knew that he was going to pass that cemetery and than go on to the major road that I usually took, so I waited. When the driver came out, I asked if I could ride with him a short distance, and he said yes. Many times I have wondered what was in store for me, but I felt that my guardian angel was on the look out for me that night! I got home safely, at any rate!
I feel with these type of intuitive things it may be a loved one who's passed over watching out for us,I wonder if that's who Angels are.The most beautiful souls.
I have often wondered, too if it was a loved one watching over me! I still have the small burn scar on my arm that I got when I climbed out of the truck, and accidentally came in contact with one of those steam pipes on the side of the truck.
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I have often wondered, too if it was a loved one watching over me! I still have the small burn scar on my arm that I got when I climbed out of the truck, and accidentally came in contact with one of those steam pipes on the side of the truck.
Sounds like a small price to pay for what could have happened,maybe a reminder.
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Many times I have wondered what was in store for me, but I felt that my guardian angel was on the look out for me that night! I got home safely, at any rate!
Glad that you got home safely. Perhaps the truck driver was a guardian angel that night.
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I have often wondered, too if it was a loved one watching over me! I still have the small burn scar on my arm that I got when I climbed out of the truck, and accidentally came in contact with one of those steam pipes on the side of the truck.
A life long reminder to listen to your instincts. Great account btw.
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