10-27-2020 Tuesday Live Chat

We're supposed to have a freeze overnight Thursday night into Friday morning.
Could be my first official frost day, which I celebrate. We had light frost, I believe one of two days already.
Could be my first official frost day, which I celebrate. We had light frost, I believe one of two days already.
Well, looks like it will be here for sure. They actually lowered the expected temps today for the next few days. And rain...we are gonna get about an inch or so on Thursday. We could have some freezing stuff in the morning although the roads are still warm enough to melt that right off.
Tonight's intention...

May comfort and healing find those who need it and strength be given to those who seek it.

Our special request for blessings to those who have asked prayer from us. May their highest good be granted.

Tonight's intention...

May comfort and healing find those who need it and strength be given to those who seek it.

Our special request for blessings to those who have asked prayer from us. May their highest good be granted.

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Thanks, guys. I was a bit early with it, but I'm juggling emails and threads! I appreciate everyone who adds those amens in there!
Thanks, guys. I was a bit early with it, but I'm juggling emails and threads! I appreciate everyone who adds those amens in there!
I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. I'm gonna say goodnight. Shazams, everyone.
Tonight's intention...

May comfort and healing find those who need it and strength be given to those who seek it.

Our special request for blessings to those who have asked prayer from us. May their highest good be granted.

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