CIA admits psychic ability real


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

They just can't figure out how it works yet!

Here ya go...

According to a CIA document declassified on 08/07/2000 titled “Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) Technology 1981–1983,” submitted to the organization August 4 of 1983, coordinate remote viewing “utilized through the methodologies that have been developed…works with remarkable precision,” but the individuals who submitted it admitted that they were “unable to explain in conventional terms why it is that the co-ordinate serves as a stimulus in the manner it does.” Nevertheless, they were convinced that David Bohm’s model of quantum mechanics provided a potentially plausible explanatory hypothesis for the mechanisms that make it possible.

David Bohm was a controversial yet brilliant luminary in physics who argued that the entirety of the cosmos is populated with quantum black holes that lead from the “explicate order” of spacetime to a realm that transcends space and time which he referred to as the “implicate order.” These black holes were termed “holospheres,” and hypothesized as the mechanism which connects the implicate order to the explicate order. From the perspective of the remote viewer, it is possible that the signal line we acquire is mediated by these holospheres, which connects us with an implicate order that is conceptually more or less identical to the Eastern concept of “Akasha” or the “Akashic records,” as articulated in the work of writers such as Swami Vivekananda. The explicate order in which we ordinarily live and move and have our being is “unfolded” from this implicate order and houses the world of ordinary objects and consciousness, which includes what remote viewers known as the liminal, subliminal and subconscious orders.

Bohm’s “implicate order,” he hypothesized, contained sub-quantum variables that were responsible for the alleged “hidden variables” that made quantum phenomena so unpredictable. In this respect, he was not merely engaging in quantum mechanics, but sub-quantum mechanics, which he believed contained the key to understanding how the universe unfolded from a kind of Universal Mind that pervades the entire cosmos at all times. According to this model, data is unfolded from the non-spatiotemporal implicate order, which forms within the explicate order, at which point the explicate order then once again communicates with the implicate order in a way that impacts subsequent unfoldings within the explicate order from the implicate order.

Bohm used the term “implicate order” because of the etymological roots of the word “implicate,” meaning “to fold inward.” Indeed, the implicate order is “implicit” in that it underlies all of reality. Everything in the universe, for Bohm, is enfolded into everything else; a position which informs his highly relational and holistic worldview according to which all vectors necessarily impact all other vectors. This view, of course, is quite contrary to the more atomistic physics that preceded the quantum model within the Western world.

The reason the CIA was (and likely, still is!) so interested in Bohm’s physics is because of its crucial ramifications for subjectivity. Bohm was an idealist, like many of the most important founders of quantum mechanics, which means he believed that consciousness was primary. Rather than emerging from a fundamentally physical, inert, mechanistic world, according to Bohm, there is a kind of Universal Mind that precedes the physical world and generates it from its storehouse of meaning. On an individual level, a thought is enfolded into your consciousness, which then unfolds a certain thought, which then folds back, and so on, in a kind of reciprocal dynamic that mirrors the fundamental nature of the cosmos itself. Bohm labeled the cosmic embodiment of this principle the “holomovement”, which he saw rooted in the implicate order. Furthermore, he saw these thoughts as enfolded into the totality of the implicate order itself rather than restricted to individual, atomistic selves.

Bohm did not restrict himself to mere armchair speculation, however. He formulated specific hypotheses about how scientists might, with sufficiently precise and sensitive instruments, measure these dynamics. He suggested that below what physicists call Planck Length, the lowest conceivable metric of physical extension (1.616255(18)×10−35 m), there is only the implicate order, which consists of the non-spatiotemporal and fundamentally subjective storehouse of meaning that unfolds into the spatiotemporal world in the form of information. It is this Planck Length, Bohm suggested, that constitutes the physical boundary that separates the explicate order from the implicate order.
I've always believed that the study of psi is tantamount to the study of consciousness itself. We know so little about the mechanics of psi because we know next to nothing about the physical processes, if they are even physical processes, that mediate our conscious experiences. But it is only through conscious experience that we have any notion of psi to begin with.

Despite the efforts to objectify all this through remote viewing, any real answers as to how it all works continue to remain out of reach. So it doesn't surprise me that these quantum models are used to try to make sense of it all. It's all still ripe for speculation.

My own shallow theory is that psi is mediated through something like quantum entanglement where two particles separated by distance influence each other simultaneously. As I understand it, this has been repeatedly measured in the lab.

So could knowledge of some remote object by a subject be due to some accidental or deliberate quantum entanglement between the particles that mediate the existence of a subject and the subject's conscious experience with the particles that mediate the existence of the remote object?
My own shallow theory is that psi is mediated through something like quantum entanglement where two particles separated by distance influence each other simultaneously. As I understand it, this has been repeatedly measured in the lab.

UT, if quantum entanglement is to be the explanation for psi - and I’m not casting shade just expounding on the definition - then that entanglement must also function across time (as humans experience and measure it) in order to encompass premonitions.
Oh my gosh.... why does everything have to be made so I think you will get further with this if you just see it as the yin and yang that it is. and instead of thinking what it is on a scientific level think of what it is on a physical / spiritual level (of everything being connected), I don't think its about any formulas or string theory or what not... that's like teaching someone music using math, believe me I know some very good musicians and math is not their strong but "feeling" is......gonna stop article though, just kinda makes it harder by over complicating / explaining, for me anyways....
It was a bit deep for me, too. It puzzles me when people get the idea that everything must be explained using science. Maybe they are using the wrong tools to understand this type of thing.
They just can't figure out how it works yet!

Debi knows this, but pick up a PDR sometime and start reading about various prescription drugs, you'll be surprised how many of those drugs we can't figure out how they work. "Mechanism unknown" is how the book says it. The drug still works, it's just not known or understood how it produces its therapeutic effect. In many cases, knowing how something works isn't as important as knowing it does work.
I started reading this and have decided to come back after I’ve had several cups of tea and a box of chocolate. This is too deep for the morning.
Me to. Too early.
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