You start a what do you talk about?

Future rebellion or a possible bloody revolution . We have no middle class to speak of , the division between those who have wealth and those who struggle pay check to pay check has increased or if you prefer "plumbed to new depths." If history repeats itself ,then could we see another bloody revolution which happened in Europe take place in America , or , has the program to "dumb down the people " succeeded which would obviously foil any attempt at a uprising . If the revolution did take place what would the casualty numbers be considering a population of 300 million , would the government bomb cities to try and gain control or would they be on private jets to destinations unknown .
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Many radio shows and podcasts are both paranormal and para-political. I see no reason The Farside shouldn't cover both areas. If you look back on the Topics of the Day section, you'll see we very often get really involved in the political and ethical topics. In fact, we can get downright passionate about these topics!

Using Art Bell's older programs as a template, he mixed it up with all sorts of areas of interest, which is what pulled so many of us to his program. The other thing I admired about Art was he spoke his own convictions. Whether you agreed or not was all part of the magic he wove, but he always stood firm in his beliefs. We got to know him and thus began to care about him and his thoughts. I think it would be fascinating to all of us to get to know where you stand, what you believe, and some of your own experiences. (Which is why I said we need to interview YOU! lol)

I wish you could do evening live programs on regular dates and times. I think you would have more callers as people get to plan the podcast into their daily routines. I know several of us would help with calls to get it rolling good!
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LOL! Anything that got my interest! Seriously, so much in the headlines these days just begs for discussion. My approach to these headlines is not only what's going on in the world, but where is it taking us? And the moral and ethical parts of it. How does it fit into a spiritually based life? And, of course, the paranormal world.

If you're digging for specifics, DM, let's just name a few!

No one is responsible for anything in our government lately. Where does the buck stop?
Personal rights and is being discussed at the Bilderberg meeting this week.
Is the Pope hinting at alien life because he knows something?
Illegal immigration...why are we putting illegals on a plane from Texas to AZ and leaving them at the bus stations?
Living in a haunted house....ever done it and what was it like?
Are mainstream churches dying? Why?
Reincarnation...stories that support it.
Dwindling food supplies and rising prices at the grocery store
Reports of UFO's that appear as lights...what the heck are they?
Rumblings and Trumpets in the sky...possible causes?
Prepping...who's a prepper? What do you really need to survive? What's in your BOB (Bug-out-bag)
Vegans vs. carnivores
Tips for leading a spiritual life amidst the stress of this world
Fairies, Pixies and the spiritual dimensions of other creations/interdimensional beings

OK...I'll stop now. lol I guess I'm just a curious woman of endless questions!
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Sounds like you both would have interesting shows!
Now I didn't mention that I am setting this up for those who reply...did I? HAHA!

Just messing with you!
AAAck! Nooooooo! :eek: lol I happily donate all topic ideas to The Farside!!! :D Glad to be a supporter, advisor, caller, listener, friend...any of the above, but I have not the talent for such an endeavor! That's all YOU, buddy!
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I tend to favor shows about tarot, palm reading, Wicca and other "witchy" topics, the channeled material from Emmanuel, Abraham Hicks, Seth, etc. I also love anything that has to do with UFO's and alien contact, especially interviews with those who say they have spoken to other extra terrestrial races.
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I've mentioned before that I once considered doing a podcast about comic books. If I ever actually did it, the format would focus on comics from the 60s through the 80s.

I'd also consider a Doctor Who podcast, or perhaps something to do with the Linux operating system, and all the different distros available. Strengths, weaknesses, which are best suited for someone who wants to switch to Linux but has only ever used Windoze. (That would be Mint, by the way.)

If it keeps raining here (sixth straight day, with more likely tomorrow) I may start a podcast on ark building...
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