Would love opinions

What can you tell us about the "Annabelle" figure, meaning her backstory? Is she based on a specific character from a movie or book or a character strictly from within the Lego world? Trying to establish why that particular figure seems to be the focus of the events you've described, as opposed to all/any of the others? Anyone in your or your husband's family named Annabelle or otherwise have connection to that name?

You mentioned you have a son. May I ask his age? Is he your only child, and if not, what are their ages? What I'm getting at is whether your child/children are old enough to notice out of the ordinary activities around your home, and if so if he/they have related anything they have seen or experienced?

Having reread you posts, am I correct nothing has occurred in the home you or your family would considered particularly threatening, or even frightening?
Thats actually an interesting point I had not looked into. We are right along a old highway (its actually called Old Highway 99). I did do research into the land the house was actually built on. There is no information, from what I understand the land was a old horse pasture which was sub divided and sold off. But I never thought of looking into the highway its self. Im sure there is more accessible information about that. I will look into it.
Are you on the US West coast by chance? I ask because I know of the old 99 Highway in California which was also called the Golden State Highway. The way my parents and grandparents talked about it made the road sound like a death trap. Lots of fatal car accidents seemed to happen on that road.
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Are you on the US West coast by chance? I ask because I know of the old 99 Highway in California which was also called the Golden State Highway. The way my parents and grandparents talked about it made the road sound like a death trap. Lots of fatal car accidents seemed to happen on that road.
Yeah! I am in Southern Oregon. Highway 99 has alot of sharp corners. There are accidents all the time, usually because someone is driving too fast and they lose control, or someone pulling off a side road and they get hit.
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Welcome Soup :) I tend to agree with the land idea. When i was young, my parents had a house built just before i was born. I had many occurrences in that house throughout the 17 years we had lived there. I think there was something with the land there. If what SteveD was saying is nearby you, i'd lean in that direction. Anytime work, construction happens, something gets stirred up. I would follow any advice the site runners give you. They will not steer you wrong :)
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You have never had any occurrences before this? Things tend to follow to different locations.
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I always go on my gut feeling with this stuff, if you feel it is negative, bad or evil it usually is. If not it may be just trying to get your attention or time, just don't give it this either way and don't try to communicate with it.
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Soup, I'm gonna jump in here and add a few clarifications and post our help thread.

There is only one time you should be "talking" to any spirits in your home and that's to set the boundaries with it. It's explained in the help thread, but basically it's simply talking out loud to whatever is there and being specific on what you will allow it to do in your home. In your case, I would suggest you tell whatever is there that it is not allowed to touch you, your children, or move items in your home. Be very specific on what you do not want it to do. Let it know this is your home and you have authority over your home and persons in it.

The reason we say don't give it attention (other than the above) is that once you start interacting with it by seeking answers from it by EVP's or proof of what it is by investigative means, you start feeding it energy and it can get worse. If you want to try for more answers, get a good, qualified investigative team to come in who knows how to close psychic doors when they leave. You don't want to escalate the activity if you don't know what you're doing with the paranormal.

Read over the attached post, and also use the St. Michael's Prayer for protection. It's good for any faith. Since you honestly don't know what this is, you do want to protect yourself and any youngsters involved just in case it's a bad guy.

This could also be poltergeist type activity, which is caused by a human who doesn't know their psychic energy is "leaking" and causing this. This happens often with pre-teens and teens entering puberty. They have zero control of this when it happens and normally rectifies itself as they get older and learn how to control emotional psychic energy.

Keep us posted and we'll help guide you as we can.

PNF Suggestions for Paranormal Activity Problems
Welcome Soup. There are a lot of different possibilities in your situation. I will try and offer you a few thoughts.

First, you have just moved in and you have a kid or kid in the house. They are little emotional power monsters and generate a lot of energy. With no intention, they will influence the environment around them in a lot of ways….some very physical and some not physical. They also will tend to cause a lot of stress and tension in the adults around them. In my experience, a place absorbs the energies that are broadcast in them. A brand new house is like a sponge!!!

New houses are not yet fully settled. Whether they are on a slab or piers they are going to settle and adjust. This can cause vibrations that can and do cause things to move. Remember the old electric football games. They vibrated and those little guys ran all over the place. What you may have is a small vibration far below something that you would notice. Things on wall shelves and such do a lot of this because the walls are tied to the floor/foundation and a wall works a little like an amplifier. Tables do much the same sometimes. As your house settles down this may go away to a great extent.

The land has been used over and over for thousands of years. There are places that seem to just be naturally peaceful and restful and other places are just the opposite. A cemetery often has a sort of sad aura around them that has effects on people that are sensitive. It’s not the dead bodies that cause it. It is the sadness and misery that the living people pushed into it that you can feel. Battlefields often have a “feel” to them that lasts for generations.

Because of your interest in the paranormal and the many movies that you have watched your mind is sort of programmed to notice these things. The thing is that the movies don’t offer a very true and factual representation of what a haunt can be. The boring and mundane don't draw much interest. Things move in houses and sometimes I believe that this is of some sort of supernatural origin. Supernatural does NOT always or even most of the time infer EVIL. Spirits are like people in many ways...that is because they are the spiritual essence that has for some reason been left behind. Often I have gotten the impression that they just want to be noticed.

How to deal with a mischievous ghost in simple. If they are destructive you get them tossed out and removed but if they are more of a mischievous nature there are several ways you can deal with them.

My way personally is to give them a name. Mine in my home is “Horace”. Things fall off the wall or something gets moved I either laugh and say hi to Horace or if it is something more annoying I scold him like I would a kid and then move on. This may cause things to settle but even if they don’t when you reduce your emotional reaction to things they make a lot less of an impression of YOU.

We each in life have to learn how to deal with annoying people. I have often found that if I will just pay them a little attention they settle down some. If you have the ability you can try to ignore an annoying person that you are forced to be around. I just have never had that much patience. The same is with other sorts of annoyances.

The odds that you have a malevolent ghost that is tied to the land or something in your house is very small. Like people that are usually at most annoying. If you include them in your home and just laugh with and at them they can offer your life a lot of nice things. I don't believe that all hauntings are from mean, evil, or bad sources. If you get upset and angry things will tend to reflect that mood back to you.

I don’t know what the cause of all the many odd things that happen is. Some are just the odds, despite them being unlikely the odds are that unlikly WILL eventually happen. Many odd movements are other people that move things without noticing that they are doing it.

If nothing else these odd happening make life interesting...
Hi Soup and welcome to "the family".

A haunting can happen for many reasons, if indeed this is what you are experiencing (I say if as all natural explanations must be ruled out before we can consider anything paranormal), and not necessarily related to the land, property, etc.

As an example, my group has just recently completed an investigation in Creswell (here in the UK) for a family experiencing weird things in their home. We identified three grounded entities at the property, which like yours, is quite a new build. Two of these (Michael and Richard) had been drawn to the home through "familiar energies" relating to the property owners, who had never experienced anything before moving to this particular property. The third (Stephen) was related to an incident within the local area back in the 1950s and had grounded to the property because of "activities" between the owners at the home.

How you act - your lifestyle and your activities - can draw entities in unintentionally and have no other connection to anything else other than this.

I am always dubious about getting the Church involved in any case until what is actually going on can be confirmed. This is because intervention by the Church can sometimes make things worse, or at the very least, increase the activity being experienced. Do you have any local Paranormal Groups that could come in and do an investigation on your behalf prior to getting the Church involved? A reputable group will not charge you anything for doing this and may be able to give you some answers or even help anything "lingering" to cross over and be at peace (as we did in the Creswell case).

Any case of a potential haunting can be time-consuming - gathering evidence, identifying what can be explained naturally and what cannot, investigating further non-natural explanations and getting answers, as well as defining any actions to deal with the activity noted (cleansing, blessings, Church intervention, etc).

Although unexplained activity can be quite frightening, keep a positive energy maintained around the home; as already mentioned, do not try to communicate with any potential entity other than to lay down rules in open, general discussion (do not try to ascertain who they are, why they are there, how they got there, etc - leave that to experienced investigators who (hopefully!) know what they are doing) - the living control their home, not anything else.
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