What puts a knot in your stomach?


Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies
There it is... that feeling in your gut that screams "flee!", even though you rarely listen to it. You have to do something that you don't necessarily fear, but would almost rather undergo water torture than have to do it.

For me, when I was a youngster, it was that first day back at school each year. Looking back, I'm not sure what the dread was caused by. I wasn't a clod or anything, although I could have gotten better grades if I had made the effort. The fear disappeared as my teen years hit and I began to see girls for the glorious creatures they are instead of cootie-carrying harpies to be avoided at all costs. Coincidence? I think not!

As an adult, the return to school was replaced by the job interview. Fortunately, I haven't had to go on one in quite a few years!

Does a trip to the dentist do it to you? Public speaking? Taking the bus? Tell us about it... maybe you'll feel better!
Travelling in a strange city, especially if there is a lot of traffic makes me anxious. I usually leave early. I remind myself that I have plenty of time. Having someone else in the car to help navigate helps and having navigation on my phone helps tremendously. Public speaking, yes, definitely makes me nervous.
I'm with Christie on this, different reason tho.. Heavy, fast highway traffic. Everything moves so fast that it overstimulates me and I get anxious. I really should have a couple of drinks before hand.:confused: Somewhat with video games and casinos, but not as much because they aren't physically dangerous. And I climb tall / steep places at work, and I'm fine. Moral here, my anxiety is not rational. Stupid amygdela. :mad:
I get the normal kind of anxiety like some have described above. Hate going to the doctor, hate driving in traffic or to an unfamiliar destination but the one thing that sets off the biggest gut reaction for me is finding myself in the presence of someone that may not be a good person. I can feel rage and other negative emotions from others.
I can turn it "down", but not "off"!
Do you remember former Sat. morning am radio psychic Joe Who on wls? He picks up on voices. Voice sensitive. Was on C2C recently ( and George did good;).) Says exactly what you just said. Is this phenomena like trying to read a book while a Kinks concert is going off in your head ? Good gravy, is it distracting?