Updated: The Strange stuff on Mars

Date of discovery: Sept 17, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/01450/mcam/1450MR0071790360703142E01_DXXX.jpg

This Mars monolith was found by Streetcap1 of youtube. It has a lot of similarities in shape to the Washington Monument, but this one is of course shorter and fallen over. Notice how the bottom of the monument contains a lot of earth (round end). Its like a tree or sign thats been blown over, the tree has dirt around its roots, or the sign has cement that was pulled out of the dirt (I saw that today a lot after the typhoon here in Taiwan).
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
This is way in the distance on a recent MARS Curiosity Rover photo so must be quite large. This is the best close-up I could get on it, but it does look straight-edged even from such a distance. Streetcap1.
Valley of the Pyramids Discovered on Mars − New NASA Images Deepen the Mystery

Valley of the Pyramids Discovered on Mars − New NASA Images Deepen the Mystery
Posted on Feb 8th, 2016

It seems that a major ancient site has been uncovered this time, an entire valley of pyramids resembling those on Earth.

Could this place represent one of the former Martian settlements, or is this just another rock coincidence, as NASA scientists claim?

Before they officially announced that liquid water was been found on Mars, and that chances of finding alien life on the planet’s surface have increased, analysts studying Martian data had already speculated it for many years.

Images that were available since the mission began showed different areas looking like riverbeds or even dried out ponds. Some even ventured as far as stating they have seen a reflective material very similar to water but, before NASA makes the official announcement it doesn’t actually count, does it?

More at site
It's becoming more and more obvious there was once life there. Possibly still is, maybe underground
Ancient Relief Found On Rock Wall On Mars, Proof Of Intelligent Life, Sept 2016, NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.




Wow looks like proof to me!
Here's a new one for you guys:


Date of sighting: November 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Mars, Sol1450
Source photo: Raw Images - Mars Science Laboratory

This Mars face was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube and its fantastic! The face has on a crown, a symbol of power and authority over others. It also has a mustache which means is probably male...at least in my neighbourhood. Its also has an indention on its forehead, which I believe to be a third eye. If you remember the Apollo 20 covert mission, the alien pilots body was received since it was in a status...coma-like state and she had a third eye in this location too. These faces we find are these most important alien artefacts that can ever be discovered, other than finding a living intelligent one. The faces reveal their personality, their past stress, and how similar or dissimilar they are from humanity. We are so very close.
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
Another interesting anomaly found on mars, this time a weathered head, which in my opinion is an ancient statue, with a headdress. I originally rebuilt the artifact in profile but I decided to rebuild the whole face instead. I have processed and colorized the image but apart from that I have added nothing, which proves its half of a face, a mirrored image of a rock would look like a rock, colorized or not.


Anomaly hunters studying images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter believe they have found the remnants of an ancient city on the Red Planet.

Spotted in photos of a plain, known as Elysium Planitia, which sits on Martian equator, the purported remains of the 'lost city' appear as angular impressions on the planet's surface.

These oddly shaped lines seem to form rudimentary circles around a secondary 'structure' contained in the center.

The preponderance of the anomalies at Elysium Planitia has led rogue researchers to suggest that they may be evidence for a lost civilization that once thrived on Mars.

Based on their 'design,' the prevailing theory is that they are what is left of a walled city or a domed colony.

Skeptics, however, argue that the anomalies are merely the result of natural changes to the Martian landscape brought about by volcanic activity and other prosaic processes.

While that may very well be the case, until humanity finally makes the leap to Mars, we're guessing that the anomalies will continue to accumulate and keep us guessing as well as imagining what may have happened on the Red Planet in the distant past.
Wow these were the best videos yet I think.
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