Updated: The Strange stuff on Mars


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

Date of discovery: April 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 1311
Source photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-im...ncam/NRB_513880614EDR_F0540388NCAM00271M_.JPG

This is the second fish I found in a month. To see the first one, click here. More proof that an ocean or lakes covered the Mars surface, but NASA already said that earlier this year. This fossil is mostly intact, and the head and tail are easy to make out. Also the upper and lower fins are very spiky in appearance. Cool looking fossil fish for sure. Remember that a fossil is an animal or plant that has turned to rock. The actual animal is no longer there. All DNA has been replaced by minerals around it.

Another thing to consider is that this is that this fossil is just a few meters from the Mars Curiosity Rover. NASA had to have seen it, but why didn't they want to tell the public about it? This photo is was just uploaded to the NASA site today. NASA...why are you ignoring evidence of life on Mars?

Scott C. Waring

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The one that got away lol.... Interesting find Debi
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Date of discovery: April 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1312
Source photo 1: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-im...ncam/NLB_513966408EDR_F0540388NCAM07753M_.JPG
Source photo 2: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-im...ncam/NRB_513966408EDR_F0540388NCAM07753M_.JPG

Yes, I found a dog on Mars...yeah, yeah, I know, but it really looks like a dog, and how cute is that? Now this dog is actually in two different photos by the Curiosity rover that were taken today by different cameras at the same moment.

You see the dark shadow below it because its standing up, looking to the left. What I want to know is...if its alive...why is there no footprints in the sand? Perhaps a statue? Future photos of the area will tell, since this was update today from NASA.

The photos were taken by two different cameras. Navcam LEFT B, and Navcam RIGHT B, so this confirms the object is there, but why didn't it move? Thats easy really. Both...and I repeat, both cameras took a photo at the exact same time. Both cameras state that the photos were taken on 15 Apr 2016 04:47:15 UTC. So, both photos were taken simultaneously, meaning they are of the same object, but a slightly different angle, as you see from the gif below.

Everyone...I want to introduce to you, the dog...on...Mars.

Scott C. Waring
Look to the right, looks like the opening into a cave or an entryway into the ground. Maybe it name out that doorway.
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I think all we're going to find on mars are rocks, more rocks and odd formations. We need boots on mars to actually see what's going on.. If there ever was life on these planets. Or are we just alone out here. That is all up for debate and probably a different discussion ;)
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Aaaand now we have the "shoe"


Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars baby
Source photo: MSL 1310 M-100

I found the shoe, now...if I can just find the other one.

Hmmmm...it is a shoe, a left shoe to be precise (from its curvature of its opening), and a big one at that. At half a meter across, this would have easily fit on the King of Mars that I found a few months ago.

I also found some other anomalies...a few faces, a decorated small box about a foot square (house for the smaller species, read footnote), and a few others I didn't bother posting here, because really, the only thing that matters is...that shoes are cool. Its shows us that at least one species about 3.5-4.5 meters tall existed here and they had feet! Yes...thats important if you want to find similarities in an unknown alien species.

The evolution of bipedal locomotion in humans was aided by the development of an upright head and backbone and of an arched foot, which tells us what the alien must have looked like...us to some degree.

Its not a jellyfish tentacle alien or a bird foot alien or a flipper foot alien. Its a bipedal creature that was smart enough to have shoes!

Scott C. Waring
Here's more...



Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: MSL 1312 M-34 W-NW -UPDATED

Amazing objects from an amazing species. These aliens were many things, but boring was not one of them. There are many exciting things in this photo, for instance a tiny 3cm person trying to keep its balance, holding its arms far out as its climbing. There are also some heads scattered around, real or statue, I haven't the slightest clue, but each one is uniquely different in shape and even species. I few buildings were easy to find, with colorful wall carvings and others on a hill with layered floors. Oh...and the hand! I mustn't forget that chubby little hand with a thumb and four fingers. It has ripples of fat and skin across it, but something that really stands out is the fact its third finger (ring finger) is shorter than its pinky. Not human-like, but yet...similar. Hey! I found a snake carving, its a ring like carving on the ground with a tail broken off nearby. This snake symbol (bottom photo) was reported on many old UFO sightings reports back in the 1950s-1960s where aliens attempted contact with humans. Its suppose to be the symbol of a great group of aliens. The aliens in most those reports were human in appearance, but only 1 to 1.5 meters tall with round, chubby features. Hmmmm...maybe there is a link, not enough detail in this snake photo to be sure.
Scott C. Waring




(cont next post)