Unusual/Old Time Home Remedies and Cures

When I got a cold I discovered that cherry brandy works very well. Like cough syrup - only better.

These days I make up a brew of green tea, echinacea, root ginger, a very little peppermint leaf, and a couple of slices of lemon brewed in a caffettiere. Does the job after about 2 of those.
Ginger...the all purpose if you have a stomach ache cure. It actually is proven to work to settle the stomach. Made into a tea, it's quite soothing. Peppermint is also a good one for that.
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When your little your mum kissing you on the area you hurt yourself,I know it might be just psychological but it really did take the pain away.Maybe there's more to this,but it shows how healing love is.
One quick word about rosemary...pregnant women should not use it or be around it much. It can trigger labor.

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Good post and some I had forgotten.
Interesting Dandelion replaces potassium lost though urination - as it is a diuretic and causes you to urinate.