The Night

I have seen a lot of evidence for what Debi said about the changes in energies when everyone is asleep. Otherwise, I would wonder why most paranormal happenings occur mostly at night? I once had an experience I would never forget. I had woken to visit the bathroom, and was stumbling back to bed when I noticed my usually calm calico cat crouched in my doorway and staring at something in the corner of the room. I figured maybe it was an insect or something (being half asleep) but when I was about to get back into bed, I noticed a strange man crouched on the floor next to my exercise bike. He seemed to be glowing from inside, and yet I could see the wall behind him, and realized that it wasn't a corporeal person at all. Naturally I ran out of there and slept in my daughter's room. The weird coincidence was that later my daughter's bike was stolen. I wondered about this for a long time.
Wow that is a strange one!! I’d have run screaming into the night lol.
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Well, I did scream pretty loudly. I heard about it from my downstairs neighbor the next day, lol.
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This was one of the biggest things that struck me when I moved from the big city out to the country. Growing up in the Los Angeles area of Southern California, night time was for trouble making. The gangs, pimps, pushers and dumb kids like me were the only ones out and about. Then I moved to a small town in Tennessee, which didn't even show up on most maps, and night time was a completely different experience.

My first night there people were laughing at me because it was the very first time I had ever seen actual fireflies. I knew they existed and I had seen them simulated for TV and movies, typically just slowly blinking lights on fishing line, but I had never seen a real one just out and about. After that I would spend hours just sitting outside in the dark and experience all the wonders that the night held.

I'm SoCal native also, where were you from?
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I was born in Whittier, but I lived all over Orange and LA County; Chino, Pomona, Montclair, Santa Fe Springs

Cool. I was born in Gardena, raised in Lakewood. After getting married we lived in Inglewood then bought a house in Long Beach. Moved to Fresno for a few years then eventually moved to Kansas City.
Cool. I was born in Gardena, raised in Lakewood. After getting married we lived in Inglewood then bought a house in Long Beach. Moved to Fresno for a few years then eventually moved to Kansas City.

Woot woot! San Diego checking in too!
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