Stepping outside of....

OK, my turn. High places. Yes, I do my job high in the air sometimes. Not just ladders but steep roofs, 86' boom lifts, ledges above busy downtown streets, walking high iron. Scares the snot out of me. But that's OK (aka = Not OK), But I respect it. Still, I do the job, swear I'm never gonna do that again :eek:, and repeat.
In general. First time I bring a guy up there, he is pooping his pants. I say me too. Say respect it. Do all the safety stuff, but if/when that fails, do all the anecdotal moves that survivors told us. (Ride a ladder down, spread eagle, throw away from the scaffolding.)
And when you are done, it makes everything in the lunch box taste better.;)
Wow Paint I hope you wear a safety belt of some sort.
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