

Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

Here at PNF, we have often joked that some of our members need bubble wrap to avoid hurting themselves!

So, fess up! What injuries have you had and how many broken parts do we count for the PNF official survey?

Thankfully I never broke any bones. I have fractured my toes, by stubbing my foot against a coffee table leg on my way to the bathroom. I have bruised myself by falling out of bed during a night terror. Once, my older brother shoved me and I tripped and fell, cutting my chin on the doorsill.
My first broken bone came from a swingset when I was 6. I didn't even jump off the swing! Dang chain snapped and bam...broken right arm. To this day I still have a bit of a bump where the bone healed a little off on my right arm. Which is why, although I'm right handed, my writing looks like I'm a leftie. It slants backwards. I learned to print with my arm in that cast and pulled the pencil instead of pushed.

Then we move on to the big one! I was in an accident at work with a woman on a gurney and managed to blow three discs in my lower back at once. I put off surgery for 9 months, ended up with some neuro damage with the left leg and finally ended up going through 3 failed surgeries...which led to all sorts of other stuff.

I am 20 years too late for that bubble wrap outfit! Dang it! lol But I still keep it handy for my Wile E. Coyote hubs..lol
I broke a wrist playing softball. I got a "concussion" playing softball (saw nothing but blues and greens for the next half hour). I got 17 stiches in my forehead playing softball...but I was safe at third so it was worth it. And recently I dropped a 5 drawer lateral file on my foot, and broke it. That's it so far.
I just remembered another. When I was a senior in high school, playing in our varsity inner squad foot ball scrimmage, I decided to take on our full back head on. He was probably 5'8 and a built like a brick S**t house. I was 6'3" and skinny as a rail. I got the tackle, but...it was still daylight when this happened. After it happened, it was night time, like right after it happened. I then remember trying to block an extra point kick, and when I jumped...i just kept going up and up. It was weird. Then, all of a sudden it was daylight again, and I was wandering around confused. A coach finally noticed and he had me sit down when I told him I couldn't remember anything. He did a few "tests", and told me not to go back in. They let me drive home after that though...this was 1985.
I broke my arm and it looked like I had a second elbow. I have been stitched in all my limbs and head. Broke my toes twice. A huge beam of wood fell on my head. Got an electric shock when I somehow ran over the cord on an electric greens mower and nearly died. Been bitten or stung by most of the lovely fauna here, including a wasp which almost killed me, lol.
I too have been lucky to not break any bones. I have stubbed my toes, if broken, they don't count lol. I am an electrician so i have had my share of being 'hit and or lit'. I have had things hit me in the head, stabbed by multiple things, poked in the eyes with wire, smashed fingers and knee with hammer, fallen off ladders (luckily from no great height) just to name some off the top of my head. There were so many times i should have been seriously injured or perhaps taking that stroll into the great beyond but someone or something has decided i have not given enough comedy relief as of yet.
stitches in forehead, twice. stiches at corners of each eye, and in back of head, twice, broken collar bone, fractured shoulder blade, broken arm, foot, thumb, nose, hmmm, i think thats it......then theres the stitches from various surgical procedures. but overall, not to bad, probably about average for a normal guy, (if not, you need to live a little more....lol)
My first broken bone came from a swingset when I was 6. I didn't even jump off the swing! Dang chain snapped and bam...broken right arm. To this day I still have a bit of a bump where the bone healed a little off on my right arm. Which is why, although I'm right handed, my writing looks like I'm a leftie. It slants backwards. I learned to print with my arm in that cast and pulled the pencil instead of pushed.

Then we move on to the big one! I was in an accident at work with a woman on a gurney and managed to blow three discs in my lower back at once. I put off surgery for 9 months, ended up with some neuro damage with the left leg and finally ended up going through 3 failed surgeries...which led to all sorts of other stuff.

I am 20 years too late for that bubble wrap outfit! Dang it! lol But I still keep it handy for my Wile E. Coyote hubs..lol
Too many medical personal have been injured moving patients on gurnies.