Well when I was about 16 years old me and four others were standing outside of
a house talking at about 10pm and one of the guys said he thought he saw a star
move, so we all started looking at it and we saw nothing move, and I started to concentrate as hard as I could and asked in my mind to come show us it was there, because I had heard that Aliens are telepathic and we all have this ability, after about 5 minutes my friends lost interest, but I kept staring and concentrating, then after about 20 minutes it moved only slightly, then it started shooting back and fourth across the sky doing ohh, maybe 20,000 , maybe 50,000 miles an hour It would make 90
degree turns and 180 degree turns at incredible speeds, It was zig-zagging back and fourth, sometimes it would go so fast it would disappear, and then reappear in another location, way across on the other side of the sky, it would go up so high it would disappear and then come rushing back down, this went on for about 20 minutes, it did every trick it could possibly do to impress us, and entertain us, so I started asking it in my mind to
come down to meet us and it did, it slowly came lower and lower , and it was coming down at the location of the back yard of my friends house but there were fences and large trees back there and it was much too large to land there it was the size of 3 or 4 back yards. It was coming down very slowly so one of my friends went inside and told his parents, and boy was that a big mistake.
The mom came outside and started screaming as loud as she possibly could, then the dad, then the
grandmother. The grandmother was acting like see was having a heart attack, they all were screaming and screaming so loud and just constantly to where I thought
the 3 parents were going to wake up the whole darn neighborhood, and this light now about
600 feet high and about 300 feet in diameter was still coming lower and lower,
very slowly, it did not seem to care if the adults were screaming as loud as they could, which was going on for about 2 minutes now, because the UFO was coming lower and lower very slowly, now at about 200 feet high, and even larger in size so I told it in my mind that it was time for it to go back up, because of the scandal that the grandmother and mom were making, so it did it shot strait up and out of sight in about one second, we could see it reach the height of the stars and then disappear, and we never saw it again.
I talked to one of my friends about it a while back and he told me that I was so afraid that I was jumping up and down, and I do not even remember that. I just remember that I was like in a trance trying to communicate with it. I just could not believe this had happened. This was
many years ago before we had internet.
I saw about a year ago that Dr. Steven
Greer gives classes on how to call UFOs down telepathically. I saw he did a
demonstration of this in France for the top gov. officials and military there and
was successful getting a ufo to appear in front of them but only briefly. Dr. Greer also gives classes and sells DVDs on how to do this.
The feeling I got from this supposedly telepathic communication I had was that this thing was cold or robotic or unfriendly, but I am a kind and loving person always trying to help others and I just thought well, perhaps this alien was just very scientific, and has no room for friendly feelings and who am I to know anything about this, I am just thinking I made a telepathic contact here and maybe I really did not who knows.
a house talking at about 10pm and one of the guys said he thought he saw a star
move, so we all started looking at it and we saw nothing move, and I started to concentrate as hard as I could and asked in my mind to come show us it was there, because I had heard that Aliens are telepathic and we all have this ability, after about 5 minutes my friends lost interest, but I kept staring and concentrating, then after about 20 minutes it moved only slightly, then it started shooting back and fourth across the sky doing ohh, maybe 20,000 , maybe 50,000 miles an hour It would make 90
degree turns and 180 degree turns at incredible speeds, It was zig-zagging back and fourth, sometimes it would go so fast it would disappear, and then reappear in another location, way across on the other side of the sky, it would go up so high it would disappear and then come rushing back down, this went on for about 20 minutes, it did every trick it could possibly do to impress us, and entertain us, so I started asking it in my mind to
come down to meet us and it did, it slowly came lower and lower , and it was coming down at the location of the back yard of my friends house but there were fences and large trees back there and it was much too large to land there it was the size of 3 or 4 back yards. It was coming down very slowly so one of my friends went inside and told his parents, and boy was that a big mistake.
The mom came outside and started screaming as loud as she possibly could, then the dad, then the
grandmother. The grandmother was acting like see was having a heart attack, they all were screaming and screaming so loud and just constantly to where I thought
the 3 parents were going to wake up the whole darn neighborhood, and this light now about
600 feet high and about 300 feet in diameter was still coming lower and lower,
very slowly, it did not seem to care if the adults were screaming as loud as they could, which was going on for about 2 minutes now, because the UFO was coming lower and lower very slowly, now at about 200 feet high, and even larger in size so I told it in my mind that it was time for it to go back up, because of the scandal that the grandmother and mom were making, so it did it shot strait up and out of sight in about one second, we could see it reach the height of the stars and then disappear, and we never saw it again.
I talked to one of my friends about it a while back and he told me that I was so afraid that I was jumping up and down, and I do not even remember that. I just remember that I was like in a trance trying to communicate with it. I just could not believe this had happened. This was
many years ago before we had internet.
I saw about a year ago that Dr. Steven
Greer gives classes on how to call UFOs down telepathically. I saw he did a
demonstration of this in France for the top gov. officials and military there and
was successful getting a ufo to appear in front of them but only briefly. Dr. Greer also gives classes and sells DVDs on how to do this.
The feeling I got from this supposedly telepathic communication I had was that this thing was cold or robotic or unfriendly, but I am a kind and loving person always trying to help others and I just thought well, perhaps this alien was just very scientific, and has no room for friendly feelings and who am I to know anything about this, I am just thinking I made a telepathic contact here and maybe I really did not who knows.