My Ghost Experience

So I suppose that brings me to questions. How would one know if it's a person that needs help or not versus one that doesn't want the be helped? Why would they not cross over and is that a process I'm supposed to interfere with?
Kid, let's take a breath and we'll start with this part. First, we ASSUME what we experience i.e. spirits are human souls. Those that don't cross over are normally referred to as ghosts, but we truly don't know what energies we're dealing with. Now, the way the universe appears to work is you don't take over someone else's space, like your home, so yeah, they need to stay on their side of the veil/portal/door. Be a good neighbor, right?

We as humans feel we have to "do" something to help. This is not always the case. Some wish to stay on this side and as long as they aren't in my space or home, no problem. Those that do want to cross over may need a little help with a verbal nudge from us. And, btw, in case they can't find the light, send them to any funeral home where the light will show up at the next passing.

Then we come to entities unknown....this is something only those highly trained in dealing with such things should even attempt to deal with. The darker side of things really requires some training or guidance to deal with them.

If you want a place to start, read this.

I am not going to say that is an easy venture. I only offer advice, insight, (my own) experiences to all of this. There are those that do possess extra talents that can read these things. I will say as well, there are those qualified to do as such. I realize you have feelings of sadness towards those that have not crossed over. We all do. What the reason(s) are/is that they did not, well those answers can vary. Either way, people should cross over. They can be in a place beyond here and not be tied to this plane for whatever keep them here. There are other 'things' that are NOT people. I have seen both sides of that coin and when i say to tell whichever to leave, it is only for the best. Anytime activity is left unchecked it always has the potential to ramp up. In the case of those 'other things' the reason could very well be to invade your life, your space and eventually create a miserable existence. Nobody wants that. I had something following me around long enough to know that. I sent it packing. Did it fully leave? Perhaps. I no longer have the nightmares that accompanied it's presence. Listening to the staff and members on this site has helped me put things into a focus i did not have before coming here...and i thank all of them for that. On every Live Chat the word Light is included daily. I do not use that word loosely when i say we ALL have a light. The ones that have more developed abilities i believe have a stronger light to them. Yes, that can attract these things quicker but having the intent to send them off is a tremendous tool. Not everyone can aid a soul from moving on. The first step and usually the easiest is having the stern intent for it to leave. If you do not have the exact intent, it may not work. It is your space, your life, you have the final say to leave. It sounds like you feel compassion when not wanting to. We all have compassion. But imagine being stuck somewhere and not exactly knowing how to ask for help...perhaps not even knowing you need it. That is how a spirit that should move on needs to be viewed as. We cannot befriend them. We can be a friend to them by allowing them to let go. Frankly, that would not be fair to keep them tied and not be where they initially should've gone. Perhaps some time (if that even applies in the beyond) they can return and try to right the wrongs. That would be their choice then.
Very well stated, Selectric.
I can assert that when my cat passed, I mistakenly welcomed something that I believed to be her. I have been haunted by at least three "beings" for that many years and am now waiting on professional help to clear away the remaining one.

Imagine having your sleep disturbed every single night, and tolerating it because you think it is a beloved pet, only to find that something was masquerading as such. Because I felt sorry for it and allowed it to invade my space, it is now extremely difficult to get rid of!
I can assert that when my cat passed, I mistakenly welcomed something that I believed to be her. I have been haunted by at least three "beings" for that many years and am now waiting on professional help to clear away the remaining one.

Imagine having your sleep disturbed every single night, and tolerating it because you think it is a beloved pet, only to find that something was masquerading as such. Because I felt sorry for it and allowed it to invade my space, it is now extremely difficult to get rid of!
I've often likened this to the old tales about a vampire needing to be invited in. Same goes with the legend of the Black-eyed Children. If you invite something to stay, they're in the door and it's really hard to get them back out at times. *I know you now know this, Garnet, but I'm using it as an example*
I can assert that when my cat passed, I mistakenly welcomed something that I believed to be her. I have been haunted by at least three "beings" for that many years and am now waiting on professional help to clear away the remaining one.

Imagine having your sleep disturbed every single night, and tolerating it because you think it is a beloved pet, only to find that something was masquerading as such. Because I felt sorry for it and allowed it to invade my space, it is now extremely difficult to get rid of!
This is why I don't trust any of these things, they are good at pretending and when you are vulnerable they slide in with ease.
I'll have to look up what that even means. I'm assuming it's not a new item on Taco Bell menu. I'm confident though so I imagine it'd taste great if it was created from my energy. lol

"Tulpa is a concept in Theosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal, of an object or being that is created through spiritual or mental powers."

That's interesting. Will research into that more later. That could be really useful if done intentionally, but if that was being done without being aware, then that's scary considering how drastically we can shift our energy across the spectrum because of our emotions. In a sense, all of my demons and angels could be of my own creation then I experience them as happening to me. Then again, all of this and you could equally be part of that same equation. Hmm. :D I suppose I dream at night to remind myself that I'm still dreaming. The more that I think upon that concept, I suppose that's the mechanic of prayer also.
I had to comment on creating a useful tulpa, I don't think they are ever a good thing. It would be a type of slave energy and that is the things nightmares are made of. This would move over into the area of dark magic. What do you all think, am I wrong?
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I had to comment on creating a useful tulpa, I don't think they are ever a good thing. It would be a type of slave energy and that is the things nightmares are made of. This would move over into the area of dark magic. What do you all think, am I wrong?
I agree, Lynne. And I have heard that Tulpas can get out of control, as well as drain you of large amounts of energy.
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IMHO, I don't feel that us people with the bright spotlights, (as Selectric put it,) are obligated to help any beings who happen into our space. If a burglar came into our space, we should dispatch him or her right back out of there, because they are not invited. Same with spirit. Just because it shows up we have a choice to encourage it, or simply ask it to move on. It is not rude or unkind to claim our space. Since we can't be sure what we are dealing with, and the fact that we have lives to live, means we don't have to get involved.
Understood. But if it was its space and I'm the one that came into it, wouldn't I be the burglar in that scenario? I suppose I view them on the same level that I view everything/everyone else on my plane of existence. I know I should be that way in regards to all the above because I don't know what I'm dealing with (even with people), but at the same time, some part of me that rings inside that forces me to feel those ways anyway.
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Perhaps, i got a bit carried away with the spotlight analogy, but no..i really didn't. My point was we give off energy that can attract the things. If you know something feels bad...time for it to go. There is no happy medium there, Kid. These things don't belong in our space. If it truly is a person that needs help and you can't discern that on your own...time to call in help.
Then I suppose my real question is how do I become the help instead of calling it. And I know you said there's no happy medium, but is that true? Because I can know when something feels bad/good, but sometimes I can feel that good inside the bad and vice versa. Maybe it is as simple as being black and white, but what if there's potential in bringing out the good in something if it exists in it? Wouldn't that be a better goal? I get that sometimes it's as simple as the nature of something; fire is going to burn my hand and I'd certainly want to put out a fire that's out of control. I guess I'm just curious of the full scope of it all and want to know more about it so I can be the best version of me and make the right choices with enough data to understand my choices.
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I am not going to say that is an easy venture. I only offer advice, insight, (my own) experiences to all of this. There are those that do possess extra talents that can read these things. I will say as well, there are those qualified to do as such. I realize you have feelings of sadness towards those that have not crossed over. We all do. What the reason(s) are/is that they did not, well those answers can vary. Either way, people should cross over. They can be in a place beyond here and not be tied to this plane for whatever keep them here. There are other 'things' that are NOT people. I have seen both sides of that coin and when i say to tell whichever to leave, it is only for the best. Anytime activity is left unchecked it always has the potential to ramp up. In the case of those 'other things' the reason could very well be to invade your life, your space and eventually create a miserable existence. Nobody wants that. I had something following me around long enough to know that. I sent it packing. Did it fully leave? Perhaps. I no longer have the nightmares that accompanied it's presence. Listening to the staff and members on this site has helped me put things into a focus i did not have before coming here...and i thank all of them for that. On every Live Chat the word Light is included daily. I do not use that word loosely when i say we ALL have a light. The ones that have more developed abilities i believe have a stronger light to them. Yes, that can attract these things quicker but having the intent to send them off is a tremendous tool. Not everyone can aid a soul from moving on. The first step and usually the easiest is having the stern intent for it to leave. If you do not have the exact intent, it may not work. It is your space, your life, you have the final say to leave. It sounds like you feel compassion when not wanting to. We all have compassion. But imagine being stuck somewhere and not exactly knowing how to ask for help...perhaps not even knowing you need it. That is how a spirit that should move on needs to be viewed as. We cannot befriend them. We can be a friend to them by allowing them to let go. Frankly, that would not be fair to keep them tied and not be where they initially should've gone. Perhaps some time (if that even applies in the beyond) they can return and try to right the wrongs. That would be their choice then.

Nicely put. Thanks for all of that insight on it.

I suppose I feel compassion for any of it in general. I agree that people should be able to move on if that's what they needed/wanted and are simply stuck; much as I'd want someone to pull me out of a well if I fell into it. As for the 'things,' to what extent is that an entire world in itself if there's things that live there? Are they only bad things or are there also good things or a mix of the two like our world? And yes, I certainly wouldn't want to welcome anything that isn't what one would want to welcome into their life.
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