Movie Endings


Open-minded critical thinker
May 11, 2018
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Debi posted an article where director Stanley Kubrick explained the endings of two of his movies, "2001" and "The Shining."

Has there ever been a movie ending you either couldn't figure out or that made no sense to you? How about a movie ending you hated? How would you have changed it?
One movie that always comes to mind is Jacob's Ladder (Tim Robbins). It's a very bizarre movie, but following it you can figure out the entire thing. I can't remember which movies off hand that i did not like the endings, but i don't like ones that just end abruptly with no real explanation/direction. The makers usually chalk it up to 'make up your own mind'. If i wanted to do that, i'll make my own lol. Movies are brain fodder. If i want to think tooo much, i'll read a book. Tend to get better visuals reading anyway.
I've talked to many people about the ending of "Being There" and heard different ideas on its ending. I'm still surprised so many didn't understand what Peter Sellers' character was doing at the lake.

The movie ending I really hated was "Blazing Saddles." The idea of the movie's actors breaking character and busting into another movie set was goofy. That said, Slim Pickens' line in that scene ("Piss on you, I'm working for Mel Brooks.") is one of my all time favorites. I actually used that line at work when somebody outside my chain tried to assign taskings to me.

A series but Game Of Thrones had the most disappointing and stupid ending for such an epic show.
That's where I have my biggest disappointments...TV series. They either leave you hanging or do not give you what you were hoping for as a finale. I have had two shows that did it right! One recent one was The Big Bang Theory. Totally did it right! Bob Newhart had the classic perfect ending.

One more recent TV show that I began to watch was cut off mid season with nothing resolved or explained. They just pulled the series and that was "Debris". Totally ticked me off.
I was like a lot of fans that did not like the ending of The Sopranos. But that aged very well and grew on us.

Critter and I loved a Fox show called Sleepy Hollow.
A revolutionary war hero comes back to life in modern day upstate New York to fight demons. Clever writing and dialogue , lots of chemistry with the cast. Movie level special effects.
Canceled mid season. Shootski ....
And I miss most of all, talking about the show with him.