If you won....


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Not work anymore, see the world I have already figured out who my friends are so I would throw my phone away and only give my number out to people that mattered because I don't need to hear from people that need me to do things for them, if there is someone I need to do something for I already know that.
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I'm with Lynne, I'd pay off my family's debt and move them all to Lynne's ranch. ;)

I'd really do something similar to Lynne but I don't have a ranch. So I'd buy a piece of property and build a family compound giving each family a house. Even if some didn't want to live there full time, they could use their house as a vacation spot.
First of all I would split it 50-50 with my husband. Not that we would break up, but this way we'd avoid any arguments on how to use the money. From my half I'd invest at least 60-70% in my own business and real estate. Even 10% would be enough to buy myself and my family everything we could ever want/need. The rest for doing good stuff.

The first thing I'd do is get a good lawyer and financial advisor.

If we're talking about what's the first thing I'd buy for self indulgence, probably buy a bigger house.
I like SunnySides idea, split it among family equally, to avoid the inevitable problems.
Buy a large % of a baseball team. Play golf more. No. Play golf full-time.
Hire my dad's old CPA firm to handle the money because they're trusted. Hire another CPA firm to audit them in case there's Monkey Business. Likewise with investment people and lawyers.
Hire Hank Aaron to come over and pet Hank Aaron the cat on his birthday.:)