I NEED HELP My telepathic abilities are way out of control

I am a 30 year old man living in Europe. About 4 months ago i discovered i could get messages across just by thinking. Other people would recieve. Before i knew i was beaming my thoughts 24/7, all over the place. Other psychics kept recieving me. In other words: I cant stop beaming. I can't switch it off. For 4 months now, ive had zero privacy and its driving me nuts. Only thing i can do is stop my entire thought process and be silent inside.

Meanwhile i started recieving as well. Its one big mess and i dont know how to get out of it anymore.
Theres other stuff as wel. Its not just words and thoughts. Its smell, sound, eye sight. All of it is going straight out the window.

My whole day revolves around conversation at this point. It might sound crazy but its the truth. If anyone out there knows just something, pls help
Hi Nax. I'm a bit late on the answer here, but I do want to add something. You need to be checked by a physician. There have been cases of people who have developed some medical problems that suddenly increase their psychic gifts. The gifts are real, but the medical problem can make it run rampant. Everything from thyriod to brain bleeds can cause psychic gifts to soar out of control. I would highly recommend you get a full physical to at the very least rule out a medical issue causing it to be this out of control.
As an extra thought on that, let me explain that some poltergiest activity is thought to be triggered by hormone activity in young girls. The human body is amazing and we don't completely understand all the connections to the mind/body paranormal gateways yet.
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We're not arguing that tech exists to send things into people's mind. We are saying it does not fit this scenerio, since he is sending as well.
that's the nature of the technology. 2-way sending. it's just a thought that might be what's really going on.
I am a 30 year old man living in Europe. About 4 months ago i discovered i could get messages across just by thinking. Other people would recieve. Before i knew i was beaming my thoughts 24/7, all over the place. Other psychics kept recieving me. In other words: I cant stop beaming. I can't switch it off. For 4 months now, ive had zero privacy and its driving me nuts. Only thing i can do is stop my entire thought process and be silent inside.

Meanwhile i started recieving as well. Its one big mess and i dont know how to get out of it anymore.
Theres other stuff as wel. Its not just words and thoughts. Its smell, sound, eye sight. All of it is going straight out the window.

My whole day revolves around conversation at this point. It might sound crazy but its the truth. If anyone out there knows just something, pls help
I am a psychic empath, which means I can sense and feel the energies and feelings of both the living and the dead. When I was younger and my gifts first started to manifest my aunt who thankfully knew and understood what was going on spent a lot of time helping me and teaching me how to not only suppress my gifts especially when I am in large crowds of people and become overwhelmed, but to strengthen my abilities so that I could better sort out what I was receiving as well. I know that this is much different from what you are currently experiencing. But I do believe that a few of the things she taught me may help you. The first thing I suggest is trying daily meditation. It really helps with centering and calming ones mind. It can also be beneficial in helping you build up a mental guard against not just receiving but from sending as well. I also will suggest carrying and using crystals. I myself carry citrine and turquoise to help with my gifts. I highly suggest for you to do some research and find a crystal or crystals for you that best suit what you are currently experiencing. I truly hope that this helps.
yes. i will try to scare one up. brb.
here is the link to what i'm referring to as a possible reason the OP is being tortured:

Law Enforcement Complicity in Electronic Torture & Mind Control in America, Part 2 (March 14, 2009)

this is an excerpt which describes what i am talking about:

"The perpetrators of mind control are very methodical and deliberate. Trainers of the handlers must have studied a very detailed training manual. At first, the handlers normally only call the victims ugly names, then they gradually begin to talk directly to the victim. Over time the victim learns that he can also talk to them. Finally, the two parties establish a dialogue albeit in an acrimonious fashion. Once I found out that I could also “speak” to the sickos telepathically, I used that ability to ridicule, taunt, and demean them."

i just threw this out as a possibility of what's wrong. i'm not changing the subject.
here is the link to what i'm referring to as a possible reason the OP is being tortured:

Law Enforcement Complicity in Electronic Torture & Mind Control in America, Part 2 (March 14, 2009)

this is an excerpt which describes what i am talking about:

"The perpetrators of mind control are very methodical and deliberate. Trainers of the handlers must have studied a very detailed training manual. At first, the handlers normally only call the victims ugly names, then they gradually begin to talk directly to the victim. Over time the victim learns that he can also talk to them. Finally, the two parties establish a dialogue albeit in an acrimonious fashion. Once I found out that I could also “speak” to the sickos telepathically, I used that ability to ridicule, taunt, and demean them."

i just threw this out as a possibility of what's wrong. i'm not changing the subject.
That is a good link. Thank you for supplying it.
Nax - I wanted to quickly welcome you to the PNF. Your experiences as described are atypical. Please don't let that sound like, "So we're unable to offer any help" because that might not be true. I've been a receptive psychic for 40 years and for a period the receipt of info was uncontrolled.

I want to ask you to consider a small additional favor from you in an effort to assist you. Can you please post the details of just one specific recent example of an occurrence? You don't have to select a complicated, lengthy example. I'd just like to hear from you more details about any one example of (a) what your own side of your thinking is like which then (b) turns into something that another person appears to quote/repeat back to you.

I might have something (singular or plural) for you to think about after I read your response post.

Stay strong Nax. As odd as things are, they can get better.
When i put in my earplugs to listen to music, others can hear that same music. I like music but im not supposed to share every song i listen to on a scale like this. I become uncomfortable just with the idea. Then i feel like im bothering other peopele while im just listening to music in my own home. I can sit still and say nothing at all and still be a menace because my brain is leaking. Like i said, i cant stop beaming. Only thing i can do is really focus on something else and just let it go. I dont want to worry about it but by the time i realise that i need to let go i can be 3 hours into it without finding my way out. i became accostumed to it in a really weird and twisted way.
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