Early Memories

Mine's a bit like Debi's.I remember my mum singing to me,I was younger than 1 and the song was Karen Carpenter's "close to you" ,when I hear this song,even today 56 years later,I get an overwhelming feeling of love and security.
I always thought it was this song she sang but I just looked it up and it didn't come out until I was 7,I just checked with her and it was a song called Wee deoch and dorris".She said she did sing the other song when I was older.My memories are smashed :confounded:.lol.
I dont know but I am wierd and havent had a normal life being a mixed blood with lits of hill folks in the background. I am proud of it thought.
You do sound a lot like me,of mixed blood on mums side with my real dad coming from a family who dominate the north coast as cattle farmers,I'm also weird but I'm moving back to my dads area soon,like I'm drawn to it.I don't get on with the locals in the sheep district I live now.Must be Hillbilly rivalry,lol.
I remember seein a wolf standing outside my crib!!!! No lie. I screemed for mom and she came and asked what was wrong. I must have been 2 and i dont remember what I told her or if she believed me. When I was older I reminded her of that and she said I had been watching the werewolf movie with my granny before going to bed. what I saw was not a human thing. It was a wolf. that is my earliest memory. I once knew a medicine man who became my friend. I asked him about this, He said it was my grandmother watching over me. I dont know but I am wierd and havent had a normal life being a mixed blood with lits of hill folks in the background. I am proud of it thought.
Perhaps it’s your spirit animal and guide.
I must have been about 4 and we lived in South East NewMexico at the time. We moved around a lot. My Dad was a surveyor on a seismograph crew spotting places to drill for oil. We covered most of South Louisianna, Texas and then New Mexico. When I was old enough to go to kindergarten we moved to South East Texas and settle there.

I have two memories of our time there. One was a terrible sand storm that made the house shake like an earthquake and howled like a tornado. It scared the bejaggers out of me. My other memory is a little different. I and my little friend next door would play together. I was about to go out to play with him when the neighbor lady came blasting in dragging my friend along with her. She needed to use our phone.

Evidently he little boy came in and asked his Mama for a piece of baloney for his "friend". She gave it to him and then started to wonder why he wanter just a piece of baloney and not a sandwich for me. She went outside to see what he was up to. He was squatted down beside the house and hand-feeding the baloney to something under the house. She went over to see what it was expecting to find a dog or cat. He was happily hand-feeding his "friend" a HUGE rattlesnake. She freaked and then my Mama freaked and they called husbands HOME to deal with this. Both Mamas were yelling at us. I hadn't fed the snake anything but I had seen him several times as my friend would go and talk to him all the time.

It was sort of sad, the Daddys came home and had a snake killing. There were actually several of them living under the two houses. They didn't hurt anyone and were pretty nice critters. After that, we were NOT allowed to go out and play unsupervised. All of the hullabaloo evidently made an impression on me because the memory is razor-sharp. I actually still have the long 7 section rattle off of one of those snakes.

We left there shortly after and that was the last move. From 4 to 26 my parents lived in the same house.
I remember being given a plastic bottle and being upset about it. A sunny bedroom on a bed with a white quilt with some weird 70s pattern, sun shining through the window, my mum and dad as big as houses.
So pretty far back. I have quite a few baby memories, though the memories get more entertaining as I got older for the first few years. It's all feelings and surroundings for the earliest ones. Though I do remember being able to understand what people were saying, even in that earliest memory, which is odd.

Edited to add: The strongest memory was how much I loved my mum at that time. She was almost the whole world with my dad being the rest. I balanced out towards my dad later but as a newborn it was all about mum.
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My earliest memory was looking up at my Mom from her hospital room window and her waving at me. A few days later my parents came home with my new baby brother.
That's a great first memory! I remember going to the hospital in a car to bring my mum and newly born brother home, but nothing so touching as that.