
oh yeah conforming and me does not compute lol I'd be known as that crazy eccentric lady I honestly wouldn't even care I'd just have a house on the outskirts of town growing my witchy herbs and doing witchy things
For me living away from society and the vibes from it is the only way and lets me concentrate on the spiritual side. A lot more comes through without the disturbance. Have to get groceries sometimes in town which is horrifying, lol so I grow most of my food, cut wood for heating. A simple life but it suits me.
People eating with their mouths open, showing you the full contents of what they have placed inside.......

THEN, trying to talk and spitting it out all over the place.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Not much of anything, anymore. I just shake my head now, I almost expect mindlessness from people right out of the gate. It used to be the exception, now it's sadly the norm.