Anything weird in this photo?

A friend of mine took it when he stayed at a hotel in New Orleans last week. I think I see something, but I'm not sure lol
The guys will give it a good honest look for you, Gamer. They're pretty good at it and have the equipment to figure out if something is there.
I see a close up photo of a face (taken with a red filter?) and what looks like a reflection of an overhead light fixture (off eyeglasses?). I'm not a photographer so I don't know how, or even if, such a photo can be taken. I'm only breaking it down into possible elements and working to a whole image.


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So you do see the face? In the bottom right corner?
Looks like the whole photo is that of a face, close up with what I think could be a light fixture reflection resting on the bridge of the nose, cheating slightly toward the closed left eye.