9-2-2019 Monday Live Chat Thread

Happy holiday !
System, sure hope things get better.
Hiya Lynne, sounds like you get a nice day.
I'm did my second night of minimal sleep. It's a pattern of sleeping for a short while and then waking up out of REM sleep. Falling back asleep and the process repeats five or six times. I learned that when you can't complete a REM cycle it's as if you were never asleep.
I hate when this happens to me. You are right, it makes the days foggy for sure. Not good for your putting game.
For Coast Fans tonight:

First half: Science and history writer, Andrew Collins discusses the builders at Göbekli Tepe and the mound-builders of North America and how they share a common ancestry-- Neanderthal-human hybrids of immense sophistication.

Second half: Dan Wright ran the Abduction Transcription Project for MUFON. He'll discuss CIA files that reveal a memo to J Edgar Hoover about flying saucer reports, and more.