7-30-2021 Friday Live Chat

I had a neighbor who used to try to give away the excess of cabbage, Zuchinni and tomatoes she always grew too much of. I got heartily sick of all three of those veggies!
Cabbage and tomatoes are some of my favorite veggies. I will eat tomato sandwiches all summer long without complaint.

In my younger days we had a huge garden, and we always had leftovers. At the end of summer, we let the boys have tomato fights. :p
I could use some cooler temperatures
Here is the difference between Critter and Jad.
Critter "I could use some cooler temperatures".
Jad "This muth*^&***((*&)(*&^ sons of%^&*() is tooo f%^&in MUCH!. KILL ME NOW"