5-5-2023 Friday Live Chat

I hope we can plant more! This bush was already growing here when we moved in to the house. Is there an ideal time for planting azaleas?
early spring, ( after the fear of any frost is over) that will give it time to establish throughout the summer and fall... so, now through next month is perfect for planting new ones.
early spring, ( after the fear of any frost is over) that will give it time to establish throughout the summer and fall... so, now through next month is perfect for planting new ones.
at our old place we had two out front that were 7 foot tall and about 8 foot in diameter. they were a good fourty years old or more... those and wisteria. along with spanish moss hanging in the trees just gave a real laid back southern feel to the place..loved it
That scene brings tears to my eyes every time.

The fact that it's such an otherwise cheeky song with flippant lyrics perfectly juxtaposes what Luke is feeling at that moment. You understand that there is a backstory over what that song means to the character and the movie honors the audience by not explaining what that is.
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