5-15-2022 Sunday Live Chat

If you have clear skies, check out the eclipse tonight. For example in Indy:

Check out your location: Eclipses visible in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA – May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse
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I don't know how anyone could sleep in socks. Your feet can regulate temperature in bed.
I used to sleep in socks when I was younger and then that ceased. The only time I'd also be barefooted was in the shower. Now, I'm that way when I get back in from work until I go back in the next morning and all weekend if I lay low. It's got some very surprising health benefits.
Good afternoon, my friends.
If I wore socks to bed, it would be all I had on so, no. However, Im at the age when the plumbing could get leaky at any time so might my jammy-free ways change? Depends. ;th;bg3

Walked all over another hillside outdoor venue last night for over 3 hours. There was known, historical bloodshed on the site. Plenty of energy, some intense, but not much interaction until 2 hours in. Then something finally decided to interact with us and things got a lot more interesting.
Today I'm hobbling around like Tim Conway's old man character on Carol Burnette (Baby Boomer reference).
Some yardwork to do before tonight's eclipse. We have a grand view to the east from the driveway.

Have a terrific day all!
The only time socks or shoes are on this girl's feet is when I have to go somewhere in public! In fact, we are now searching for one pair of my shoes (out of the two I own) not seen for the last 6 months! Anybody got a clue where those are in my house let me know! I have tried tuning in to them but nope! I believe they are in hiding somewhere. It's not like I go that far or that much. They have got to be here somewhere.
St. Crispin is the patron saint of shoes; you could ask for intercession. Just be prepared for the possibility that your answer is "No, sweetie, you need to style some new flats this year."