4-3-2021 Saturday Live Chat

Hey Gang.
Had a bird in the house yesterday. Bird is fine.
The two cats were very excited about it. It's sort of one of those days when you figure out what is lurking under that little black&white fur. Their instincts come to the Forefront. Hank Aaron sat very still like a Buddha and just waited. Little Joe went bananas. Finally it got a little too much for me and Little Joe had to go back in the bathroom and I had to put Hank Aaron in his locker room (my bedroom).
And I kept the front door open so the bird could go fly away. Poor thing must have been terrified but I did try to make it better.
Hiya all. Paint, I had a bird fly into my work truck on Monday morning and I didn't even hear him until I heard his/her claws on top of some boxes I'd broken down. I thought I'd get attacked for sure, but it was much easier to get it out than I thought.
Birds are messengers. You and paint may have changes coming.
Howdy, peeps. Hubs is feeling some after affects of his 2nd dose today. As he puts it "flu kinda feel" but he's tolerating it well.
This is worrisome , will be praying for him. Sorry debi.
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Good deal Debi. Send my regards from one paint man to another.
Lynne, oh you hit it real close....
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This is worrisome , will be praying for him. Sorry debi.
He's fine, Lynne. He told me compared to his daily aches and pains this is just another "layer" to the cake. He requires a bit more attention today and heavy doses of tea and sympathy, but he's doing well.
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