Daughter being haunted possible gift?


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Aug 25, 2018
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Ok my daughter is 4 and I'm not sure if the activity is centered around her if she attracts spirits or maybe just a simple explanation would love input. It started after my husband's brother committed suicide she would talk about seeing him or that we was outside the door wanting to come in now I did hear knocks at the door when she said that on a few occasions but brushed it off but then me and my husband both heard what sounded like knocks at the front door in the middle of the night and his brother's pictures would fall off the wall but while that was going on it seemed like maybe there was a second spirit. One early morning around 4am I was tucking her back into bed and I give her a kiss and she said mom there is a man in your bed and he wants a kiss too well it was just me and her and back then her bed was in our room. A few months went by we move to a new house she stopped talking about her uncle until one day she began to be frantic and kept asking me who shot him who shot my uncle well the details of his death was never discussed around the children or to them I have no idea how she even knew he was shot but it was ruled as a suicide so that was really really creepy. Well a few more months go by I had a baby so we got baby moniters and they would turn on by themselves now mind you they were not the fancy ones just plain old sound ones but the button to turn it on and off has to be pressed hard one morning in particular stands out I got up with the baby then I decided to make food well the moniter turns on and turns itself up and the lights start flashing indicating there's activity in the baby's room but nobody was in there I didn't want to hear anything so I rushed over and pulled it out the wall picked up the baby and ran to my bedroom to wake my husband up come to find out he heard someone calling his name in the night and he saw what appeared to be someone crawling away from the bed but much bigger than what my four year old would look like. And just recently she said a man was in her room but he had no face because he was run over by a truck on the concrete her exact words now I apologize if I made any spelling or grammar mistakes or if I seem a bit like I'm rambling I have a colicky baby and it's hard to take a minute a do a whole lot so I was typing this kinda fast but I really would like answers is this paranormal or explainable is my child gifted or just imaginative thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum Jma9909, and thanks for sharing your experience.

I’m sorry for the loss of your brother in law. It’s not uncommon for children to be able to see though the veil of life and death. Most people are born with this sensitivity but if the gift is left unnourished or its suppressed by the adults in their life, the gift will often disappear by the time they’re 6.

I think your daughter has seen your brother in law. Are you certain that she didn’t catch wind that he committed suicide or that there was a firearm involved?

Baby monitors and other wireless electronics are known to pick up on spiritual presences. For some reason they like kids walkie-talkies and baby monitors.

Seems that he, or whoever else this may be, Is causing your daughter some distress for sure. How do you feel about this presence?
Hi thank you .I'm not entirely sure how I feel I know it makes me creeped out to be alone but I also worry for my daughter she never reports harm from any of them but what if she attract a angry spirit. And yes I'm Certain she has never hear about the way he died we all agreed kids her age wouldn't understand and it's be best not to go into detail so you can imagine my shock when she starts yelling at me that day about her uncle she wanted a answer I couldn't give she was inconsolable. But now this other man is confusing for me are there multiple spirits around her I don't even know how a child who isn't exposed to such morbid details especially about being run over on the face with a vehicle she isn't in school and it's just her me and the baby during the day why would she make stories like that up so it must be spirits I'm assuming
So there’s the possibility of multiple spirits? What kind of things do they tell her?
Just today she came to me and said there was a man in her room he had no face and he was run over by a truck so that's why he had no face and she told me that's what he told her there was a time she said her grandma told her she was sad and that she liked flowers well that sounds a bit like my mom she never met my mother she died when she was just a few months old as far as what her uncle tells her I'm assuming he must have asked her who had shot him may be not realizing what he had done but that is the only spirit she will clam up sometimes and get withdrawn from me it spooks me I'm not sure why her uncle would have that effect on her
She also talks about this black house that she goes to sometimes maybe in her dreams I'm not sure but everything's black and dead and it smells she said. I'm not even sure what to think about that we never lived in a black house and she's never been to one in person
Hi Jma and welcome to the Forum.

I'd like to suggest a few things with your daughter. This is an age when they are wide open to spirits of any kind, so you may have to put a sheild or two up for her. First, I don't know your religious affiliation if any, but almost everyone uses the St. Michael's prayer for protection. I shall list that for you. Say this at least once a day.

Second, it sounds to me as though you may have an open "portal/doorway" there, perhaps from your brother in law. I would suggest that you claim your space right away. Talk out loud to these entities and lay out your boundaries. " This is MY space, MY home and my family. You will NOT touch or appear to any of us, nor will you appear in our dreams." Be very specific on what your boundaries are. This is your home, not theirs.

Sometimes after a violent type of death you will have extra activity happen. This may be the case for your family.

st_michael_archangel_guidoreni-wallpaper_big21 (Small).jpg
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That might explain it thank you I will try that for sure
I'm a Christian but we don't go to church a whole lot as long as I have a strong belief that prayer will work? And should I also maybe get sage along with telling them this is our space
I'm a Christian but we don't go to church a whole lot as long as I have a strong belief that prayer will work? And should I also maybe get sage along with telling them this is our space
Hey better than going to church and not believing amiright? Faith and prayer, as well as setting boundaries like debi said could help a lot.
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