"We Saw Extraterrestrial Spaceships Spotted In Saturn’s Rings," NASA Scientists Reveal

  • When someone refers to a planet’s surface, we tend to conjure up the image of rocky, solid ground. Quite amazingly, that’s not true in Jupiter’s case. Unlike Earth, Jupiter does not have a hard, solid surface. It just a big chunk of gases (and some other stuff) that is pulled together in the shape of a planet.

So maybe it's floating on a sea of gasses...
massive pressure in that case..... maybe it was very well designed though.... yeah i dunno.....lol
been a lot supposedly at the sun too,,, sucking its energy.... the SUNoco of the galaxy i guess......quick trip will be next at every wormhole exit... (followed by waffle house)
Lol. I'd like an order of Pluto flapjacks with a side of moon grits please.
I can't find one sentence in that article that isn't nonsensical including the title.

One example:
"... they can’t be detected because they use the same hiding technology as UFOs here on Earth."

If they can't be detected, how do you know about them? And, how do you know they use the "same hiding technology as UFOs on Earth"?
I can't find one sentence in that article that isn't nonsensical including the title.

One example:
"... they can’t be detected because they use the same hiding technology as UFOs here on Earth."

If they can't be detected, how do you know about them? And, how do you know they use the "same hiding technology as UFOs on Earth"?
Very good point.
The article was interesting but cut of abruptly, no evidence for the claims. It is interesting to consider what that would mean though. To have that kind of presence, they would have been here a very long time with massive knowledge. This one may just be grabbing adds.
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