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Tier-1 Mod
Feb 9, 2022
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New Jersey
This is a first for my house...assuming this actually happened. I was in mid-brushing teeth mode when as i walked out of my bedroom towards bathroom, i heard a whisking sound behind me and what appeared to be a tall grey blur walk into my spare bedroom door. Now, if it wasn't for my hairs standing on end for at least 15-20 mins (before i left for work) i would've chalked it up to trick of light or something. Does not explain the whisking (shuffling) sound i heard though nor why my senses where tingling like crazy. I have never seen anything in my house like that so kind of perplexed. Just when i thought i was done with paranormal stuff lol...
I have a theory that once you are open to these things, you notice them more. Nevertheless, I would have been seriously freaked out if it had happened here!
It was the sound from behind me that took me by surprise. As i turned to see is when i saw the grey shape or whatever just out of the corner of my eye moving into the open door.
seeing a figure or apparition type thing is fairly common in the "ghost" world and is one of the experiences that get quite a few people interested to begin with. ive heard a lot of people with very similar stories, usually in the hallways even.....
as garnet stated, once you are aware, you notice things more easily that you would not before, or that you would have just passed off as coincidence....you said you thought you were past the paranormal stuff, but here you are..lol...just being here and curious or learning about this world opens you up to possible experiences....especially if you are wired that way or have had previous gifts or experiences.
seeing a figure or apparition type thing is fairly common in the "ghost" world and is one of the experiences that get quite a few people interested to begin with. ive heard a lot of people with very similar stories, usually in the hallways even.....
as garnet stated, once you are aware, you notice things more easily that you would not before, or that you would have just passed off as coincidence....you said you thought you were past the paranormal stuff, but here you are..lol...just being here and curious or learning about this world opens you up to possible experiences....especially if you are wired that way or have had previous gifts or experiences.
Well, i was open in a way, but i have little to no experiences within my home...not since my 'indian' friend or whatever the hell that was. The grey shape was as tall as the doorway and walked into the door itself. I will not deal with that thing again...oh hell no.
Well, i was open in a way, but i have little to no experiences within my home...not since my 'indian' friend or whatever the hell that was. The grey shape was as tall as the doorway and walked into the door itself. I will not deal with that thing again...oh hell no.
well, youve had no experiences you know of....lol.....things could have always been there you just didnt notice, but now you are opening back up so, BAM, there it is....not saying thats the definite case here, just a possibility to consider........im no ghost hunter, i stay away from that area...lol.... but this world of the paranormal has a way of staining those who enter it...not always in a bad way, but once open to it, it can be hard to shut back down and return to a "normal" life. the more you learn or the deeper you go can make "escape" more difficult....kinda a catch 22 of sorts when searching for answers.....
sometimes being a skeptic is more of an "ignorance is bliss" situation.
I first came here to this forum after i rid myself of it. As easy as it was to end the reoccurrences shocked me. I dealt with it far too long. I came here to find answers and maybe even reassurance i wasn't nuts lol. Experiences have happened through my life, that specific problem persisted until i told it to leave me alone. I did that again this morning, so even if it was a trick of light or something else, knowing what i know now, think i'm good to go and these things have to realize they are not welcome here.