PNF Feline Mascot Naming Contest-WINNER


Open-minded critical thinker
May 11, 2018
Reaction score
Dayton, OH

"Cryptids and Creatures or My Paranormal Experiences....Which thread will i read next? lol"

Last night when Debi invited us to provide a caption for this photo, Selectric came up with the hilarious entry quoted above. This prompted me to suggest the cat should become the official PNF mascot, and that we should have a contest to give him/her a PNF screen name.

With Debi's concurrence, we now solicit your suggestion for the cat's screen name. Feel free to provide a bit of back story on your suggested name if you wish. I propose we keep the contest open for one week, at which point the list of names will be judged and a winner selected by a PNF member of the highest character (yet to be determined) who did not suggest a name.

No purchase necessary, the judge's decision is final. The image of the cat once named can not distributed without the express written concent of Major League Baseball and the PNF. No prize awarded.

Have at it!
I don't have a name suggestion, but that's a pretty sophisticated cat! My cat never managed that. One day when I was in my early teens she was sitting on the kitchen roof looking at me and then suddenly leapt an improbable height into the air and disemboweled a low flying bird with her claws, with the innards plopping down next to her and the rest of the bird crashing into the garden and then sat there looking proud. I admit it was pretty impressive if you are are bird hating psycho, but I just yelled 'NO! NO! DO NOT KILL BIRDS!' a lot and she was very put out and went off.
A few days later I sat down in my favourite chair, where she was watching expectantly and a live bird erupted from underneath and proceeded to go mental all over the living room. It's not true that you can't teach a cat. They just interpret the teaching in their own way.

We didn't have a cat flap. I have no idea how she did that.
Oh I don't know right now....
Hank Aaron wants to know if that's a girl cat. If so ,he wants me to send her his picture. And tell her that he's a good boy. And a smart boy, and a handsome boy , and he has good ears on top of his head, and he is a good water drinker.
Just a casual date. Eat. Sleep. Play. Poop.
Oh I don't know right now....
Hank Aaron wants to know if that's a girl cat. If so ,he wants me to send her his picture. And tell her that he's a good boy. And a smart boy, and a handsome boy , and he has good ears on top of his head, and he is a good water drinker.
Just a casual date. Eat. Sleep. Play. Poop.
That sounds like many of my dates back in the day. I was much younger then.

Tell Hank what we see in the photo is what we know. I will allow both Hank and Jo to have entries in the contest. I checked the forum by laws, there's nothing requiring those on the forum to be human. I assume when our benevolent overlords wrote the rules the way they did, it was done so as not to preclude aliens, Bigfeetz, and haints from joining in the fun. So cats are welcome.