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cooking stuff and TP is about all ya need
Air mattress, sleeping bag, bug spray, firewood, axe, bags of food, cooking utensils, lighter, knife, flashlight......and more......
Easier to load it all in the camper and off you go!
guess its back to watching pete and pete almost done with the final season again
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Ammo/chemical Army warehouse explodes in Japan today. Now, with the recent chemical wharehouse explosions in China, anyone find this an interesting coincidence?
no because coincidence doesn't exsist
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I'm actually thinking about getting a network drive and using it as a dedicated media storage device as my plex server
I'm actually thinking about getting a network drive and using it as a dedicated media storage device as my plex server
System, I hope you realize you're talking to the least techie person out
its a box that you put hard drives in kind of like youre computer but its just a box full of drives you use it as media storage and stream all youre mediua from it its kind of like having a second pc just for media streaming but its nothing but storage
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