Mandelbrot Set, Fibonacci Numbers, Fractals, and perhaps a Master Key shape, Plato and Astrology.

Hi Lynne,
I thought you would like to see what an Archaeoastronomer does?
To get a date for an event further back than 0045 BC is difficult, the Julian Calendar has it's faults but we can deal with that.
However eclipse's are different.
I thought i would show a graph near a sunset eclipse in 0585 BC that stopped a war!
I would to like to go further back in time, but it is very difficult to go further than the Julian Calendar that started in 0045 BC, we as astronomers can cope with the error of this calendar, but before this is almost impossible.
We can only use ancient text with eclipses, this is my limit,

Picture 34 40% (2).png

The eclipse that stopped a war in 585 BC:-
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