8-1-2022 Monday Live Chat

Hi everyone!

What to do with those giant zucchini that didn't get picked?

Tip: Let them dry out, then use as firewood this winter.
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Hi Wolf. Glad it's a nice, cooler eve for you. We have cooled a bit here, if you call the 80's cool. lol Since it's not 100, I shall be grateful! lol
Hi Deb. I've stepped out twice thus so far to enjoy it. It's been a steady but not heavy rain for the past twenty or thirty minutes, but it seems as if it's slacking off.
Hi Deb. I've stepped out twice thus so far to enjoy it. It's been a steady but not heavy rain for the past twenty or thirty minutes, but it seems as if it's slacking off.
We have some very brief and light sprinkles today but otherwise OK. Been a quiet one here at home.
Hi everyone!

What to do with those giant zucchini that didn't get picked?

Tip: Let them dry out, then use as firewood this winter.
Hi Chuck. Now, I've never hear of that! However, I'm all for it as a burn source and not an edible.
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We have some very brief and light sprinkles today but otherwise OK. Been a quiet one here at home.
It's been quiet here as well. I wonder how accurate our Fall/Winter forecast will be this year. Can't wait for Summer to end.
It's been quiet here as well. I wonder how accurate our Fall/Winter forecast will be this year. Can't wait for Summer to end.
I know people often tell me I'm crazy, but I really don't like summer! Seriously! I might have made a great Alaskan...lol
I know people often tell me I'm crazy, but I really don't like summer! Seriously! I might have made a great Alaskan...lol
I tolerate Summer, but I love Fall and Winter. Alaska, I think is the coldest state but even it gets a little warmer.
I tolerate Summer, but I love Fall and Winter. Alaska, I think is the coldest state but even it gets a little warmer.
When I lived in Florida for 10 years, I thought I was literally going to melt. lol I just don't function in anything above 75...and even that is sketchy.