4-30-2021 FRIDAY ! Live Chat

Good Friday morning! Wolf, my wife did pulled pork in the big Crock Pot on Tuesday. Just polished it off yesterday.

The weekend has arriven!
Since the NFL draft is going on I thought I would share this story of my friend's cousin. In the top part of the article is the funniest paragraph I've ever seen written in a newspaper. Mr. Irrelevant.

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Hey Paul, got anything shaking that you can do while you're recovering ?
Last night I did a very grown-up thing. I've been searching around for a new and perfect putter. Taking notes, comparing
specs. Decided I already had it !
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Hey Paul, got anything shaking that you can do while you're recovering ?
Last night I did a very grown-up thing. I've been searching around for a new and perfect putter. Taking notes, comparing
specs. Decided I already had it !
ive just been drawing. drawing up plans, taking pics, and trying to come up with ideas for projects.... i did find a cool piece to re-do and a couple of tables. im hoping to be back up and running in a week thank goodness, dying of boredom here...lol.
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Hey Paul, got anything shaking that you can do while you're recovering ?
Last night I did a very grown-up thing. I've been searching around for a new and perfect putter. Taking notes, comparing
specs. Decided I already had it !
get another one, ( the grown up thing is over-rated) can never have too many perfect ones...lol... re-design and build one from scratch, one that is perfectly tailored to just you. weight, height, angle, grip diameter. etc.... lol
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Not proud but life fact just the same. Got so drunken sick at a friends party that I barfed shrimp cocktail at one spot on the carpet. I was decent enough to stay all night and clean the carpet well. But then I had to race home in the morning, grab a suitcase, and fly 3,000 miles for work assignment.