3-27-2024 Wednesday Live Chat

Thanks, Lynne! I hope things are well with your Dad.
Just routine testing. After a heart attack and a stint, the dr wants yearly checks. Pretty standard but it takes all day. They live rurally and it's a drive into the city. It's a lot of driving for me because I live 30 minutes further away. By the time I get to their place and then drive to Port Huron, take 2 to 3 hours there and then the long drive back. My day is shot. I did get lunch out of the deal at Cracker Barrell. Such a fun place to look around after eating.
I used to be lured into buying there because of all the unique stuff but now that I am older and trying to declutter my life, I find I just look around and just buy candy lol.
I hear ya! We are starting to look around for stuff to get rid of, before Mr. Garnet retires. Then we will be moving.
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