Your "Did I Say That Out Loud?" Moment


Open-minded critical thinker
May 11, 2018
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
Have you ever been in a public situation where you wonder if you'd just said something out loud or only thought it? Did you say it, and were there any repercussion?
I have a habit of talking to myself a lot and out I used to have full rants in front of food items in the grocery store for price increases. I would realize this when people started answering and agreeing with me. lol
Back in the 90s my boss/mentor convinced me to accept a "career broadening" assignment to a new organization. It soon became obvious the organization was totally rudderless, with weekly staff meetings that were beyond chaotic.

During one meeting of constant arguing, I lost my patience and yelled, "This is an absolute clusterf%*k, would somebody take charge and make a decision!".

When the room became instantly silent, I realized I had said that out loud. The division chief looked at me and told me to see him after the meeting. I got my butt chewed, but he did seem to become authoritative from that point on.
I remember walking around a store doing grocery shopping. There was a mum and child in front and the kid kept screaming and demanding different food and toys. The poor mum was done near the end isle and gave the brat a slap around the legs. I blurted out good on you mum ;ss. I know this is politically incorrect from both sides but the kid deserved it :smiley:.
I remember walking around a store doing grocery shopping. There was a mum and child in front and the kid kept screaming and demanding different food and toys. The poor mum was done near the end isle and gave the brat a slap around the legs. I blurted out good on you mum ;ss. I know this is politically incorrect from both sides but the kid deserved it :smiley:.
And I bet you the mom was fine with that statement.
When I was just a kid, I remember coming home with my mom one day and she tore into the driveway much faster than she normally did. I said a certain four-letter word just loud enough for her to hear and she heard it. 'What did you say?' 'Shoot! I said shoot!' I'm not sure whether she believed me or not, but that's the last I ever heard of it. There have been multiple other occasions I've slipped and cussed yet again, but luckily nobody was really around to hear it. Or at least, I think.
When I was just a kid, I remember coming home with my mom one day and she tore into the driveway much faster than she normally did. I said a certain four-letter word just loud enough for her to hear and she heard it. 'What did you say?' 'Shoot! I said shoot!' I'm not sure whether she believed me or not, but that's the last I ever heard of it. There have been multiple other occasions I've slipped and cussed yet again, but luckily nobody was really around to hear it. Or at least, I think.
LOL My kids never cuss in front of me...unless they are driving. My youngest simply apologizes in advance now before he drives me anywhere! lol