oh ...I am a day behind.. time to test out the skype once more.. I got 20 dollars on there ..no one to call..LOL!

the whole day..I am thinking it was saturday..
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It's almost time! He's almost ready to open those phone lines! Now, are YOU going to call in to the show?
Yes or No? Why or Why Not? And if you do, what are you going to talk about with him?

While we're at it, have you ever called in to any radio or internet show? How'd it go? Nervous much?
(I WAS! lol)
It's almost time! He's almost ready to open those phone lines! Now, are YOU going to call in to the show?
Yes or No? Why or Why Not? And if you do, what are you going to talk about with him?

While we're at it, have you ever called in to any radio or internet show? How'd it go? Nervous much?
(I WAS! lol)
I called “Midnight In The Desert” last night and contributed by speaking with Art Bell and his guest “Dr. John Dvorak.

Since Dr. John Dvorak was not only an volcano and earthquake guy , but also works to operate one of the worlds great telescopes on Mauna Kea, I decided, on a hunch to ask Dr. Dvorak about a puzzle in astrophysics about Dr. Albert Einstein’s famous equation.

I called at 2:32 EDT and violated the talk radio prime directive and probably put you and most of the the audience promptly to sleep by asking a mathematical question about

E = MC2 Where:

E = Energy

M = Mass

C = The Speed Light = 300,000,000 Meters Per Second ( a constant)

C2 = 300,000,000 times 300,000,000 = 90Quadrillion (Also a constant)

E/ C2 = M But, C2 is a constant = 90 Quadrillion

E/ 90 Quadrillion = M

So, algebraically rearranging by dividing each side of that equation by C2

we get:

E/ C2 = M(C2/ C2) Since C2/ C2 = 1, this reduces to:

E/ C2 = M(1)

Which is the same as:

E/ C2 = M

While other algebraic identities do exist (SEE: https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=A0LEVoCvrrtVrPcAj3gnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bmRmdGdqBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM1BHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkzNV8xBHNlYwNzcg?qid=20100901074443AAJ6LWD&p=E%2F%20C2%20%3D%20M )

E/ C2 = M or more precisely E divided by 90 Quadrillion = Mass defect is the important one that I presented to Art Bell and Dr. John Dvorak on last nights “Midnight In The Desert” episode.

I suspected that Dr. John Dvorak would easily follow this simple algebraic transformation of Einstein’s wonderfully correct E = MC2 to another form, identical form, but a form that more clearly demonstrating that E = MC2 may possibly be incomplete.

I do not mean to disparage the clear genius of Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, or Clerk Maxwell, or Wavy Gravy.

I feel that I am very privileged to have met in life and had the opportunity to engage in neuro-quantum entanglement (Think remote viewing/sensing version of Spock’s “Mind Meld” with out the skull touching…like telepathy ) with the brains of geniuses such as Dr John Gofman MD; PhD, Dr. Michio Kaku, Dr. Carl Sagan, Wavy Gravy Dr. John Dvorak and Art Bell

Wavy Gravy was the master of ceremonies at all three Woodstock Music Festivals and you heard him in Woodstock The Movie saying over the public address system “What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,000 people.”

I met Wavy Gravy in 1967 in his merry pranksters era before that name was given to him by B.B. King at the Texas International Pop Festival in 1969.

The important thing about Wavy Gravy is that he took afternoon walks with Albert Einstein, at PrincetonUniversity, so knowing Wavy Gravy is as close as I ever got to interacting with Albert Einstein’s genius. Kind of like a “Mind Meld” once removed.

My hunch proved correct on last night’s “Midnight In The Desert, because Dr. John Dvorak did in fact, easily follow this simple algebraic transformation of Einstein’s wonderfully correct E = MC2 to another form, identical form, but a form that more clearly demonstrating that E = MC2 may possibly be incomplete.

I do not want to speak for Dr. Dvorak, he was very proficient at doing that for himself.

I do think that when I presented the equation in the form of:

Energy divided by 90 Quadrillion = Mass defect and asked the question

“How can merely three spatial dimensions and one time dimension contain so much energy within such a tiny speck of “Matter,” that also gives rise to gravity?

In fact the equation is a recipe for an atomic bomb.

I then asked Dr. Dvorak “Wouldn’t all that energy overflow our four dimensions unless some of it had to be transferring into other dimensions for energy storage purposes.

Dr. Dvorak then, kept repeating “what a really good question that was.”

Dr. Dvorak then began to conjecture about such dimensional energy transfer being a possible way conduct in inter-universal energy transfer with a parallel universe. He noted that many scientist were working at the cutting edge of known to validate such concepts.

I do not wish to misquote Dr. Dvorak.

I do wish that someone who has a recording or MP3 of my conversation with Dr. Dvorak and Art Bell on last nights program would please take the time to kindly post an exactly worded transcript here in reply.

In any event my conversation Dr. Dvorak and Art Bell was a mind tingling event for me and I hope for the MITD audience.

Dr. Dvorak’s kind comments validated some theories and hypothesis that I have been working on for some time.

I thanked Art Bell and Dr. Dvorak for the opportunity to interact, and ended our conversation to make time for other callers.

The mind tingling sensation, then quickly developed into a full-blown brainstorm as the physics muse began directing new concepts to my brain.

I quickly started to write down the incoming stream of new astrophysical information and concepts.

These new equations and insights (outsights?) appear to be directing towards unification of the five universal forces.

Those forces are:

1) Electromagnetic Force

(That keeps MITD coming from WTWW (We Transmit World Wide) via the electromagnetic force so that truckers with short wave radios in their rigs that can receive the 60 meter shortwave band “can keep MITD coming in 20 Db over S-9 on shortwave 5085KHz in their cabs good buddy”

2) The Strong Nuclear Force

Makes Fukashima uncontrolled meltdowns way too hot to handle.

3) The weak Nuclear Force

Will propel your space ship, without radioactivity or pesky neutron flux.

4) The Gravity Force

Causes “down” to exist and keeps you feet on Terra-Firma.

5) The newly discovered Anti-Gravity force

Makes the universe expand and perhaps protrude into nearby parallel universes.

Also keeps your universe from collapsing into a “Big Crunch”

Yes Energy divided by 90 Quadrillion = Mass defect

Yes; E/ C2 = M is still correct.

But soon we can look at all the other things it may equal too!
Dark Matter
Dark Energy

That could become the basis for a real–world star drive propulsion unit and make Humanity become type 2 interstellar space-time travelers.

With Best Regards,

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I did hear you...as sleep was beginning to drag me under! But I remember your call. I am always amazed at the truly remarkable and smart people we have as part of our forum. Thanks for sharing, AND congrats on getting through with a great question!
Plasmaman, that ? was awesome. Do I get 3 credit hours toward my doctorate?

A question for you. re: time travel.
If man built a spaceship going at almost the speed of light
And he flew into outer space for 1 year
And turned around and flew back to Earth for 1 year
He arrived home 100 years into the future.
Is this real?
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Hi everyone,

I finally got my house purchase closed.. been going off on heavy duty labor here now that she is mine ! I fully intend to be interviewed by Art Bell within a few months.... got some serious things in the works... but now that I've just made this post about me, let me show Art and Art's fans some love.... I am so impressed with Art Bell in his triumphant return.. he is sharp, his voice is as vibrant and masterful as ever.. he seems to have a sense of bliss and positivity quite present in his voice... he is really a very unique legend ! I sent this picture to Art and his webmaster Keith Rowland a couple of days ago... it is a little bit of rare Art Bell memorabilia I printed out off of Art's site many years ago.... it was gone the next day... I've got it in the cab of my sweet 86 Ford Ranger pickup.. Keith replied... said he loved it.... is this cool or what ?

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Hi everyone,

I finally got my house purchase closed.. been going off on heavy duty labor here now that she is mine ! I fully intend to be interviewed by Art Bell within a few months.... got some serious things in the works... but now that I've just made this post about me, let me show Art and Art's fans some love.... I am so impressed with Art Bell in his triumphant return.. he is sharp, his voice is as vibrant and masterful as ever.. he seems to have a sense of bliss and positivity quite present in his voice... he is really a very unique legend ! I sent this picture to Art and his webmaster Keith Rowland a couple of days ago... it is a little bit of rare Art Bell memorabilia I printed out off of Art's site many years ago.... it was gone the next day... I've got it in the cab of my sweet 86 Ford Ranger pickup.. Keith replied... said he loved it.... is this cool or what ?

Hi Brian! Good to see you. And what a great find! Thanks for sharing with us!
Hi Brian! Good to see you. And what a great find! Thanks for sharing with us!
Hi Debi and others.... I'm really glad to have access to this space where Art Bell fans are... it's a great find as you say... I've always felt lucky to have copied it by reflex.. doing such a thing was far from typical for me, but I was so amused when I saw it, that I jumped on it.
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