What is "Time"


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
What Is Time – and Why Does It Move Forward?


Imagine time running backwards. People would grow younger instead of older and, after a long life of gradual rejuvenation – unlearning everything they know – they would end as a twinkle in their parents’ eyes. That’s time as represented in a novel by science fiction writer Philip K Dick but, surprisingly, time’s direction is also an issue that cosmologists are grappling with.

While we take for granted that time has a given direction, physicists don’t: most natural laws are “time reversible” which means they would work just as well if time was defined as running backwards. So why does time always move forward? And will it always do so?
Does Time Have a Beginning?

Any universal concept of time must ultimately be based on the evolution of the cosmos itself. When you look up at the universe you’re seeing events that happened in the past – it takes light time to reach us. In fact, even the simplest observation can help us understand cosmological time: for example the fact that the night sky is dark. If the universe had an infinite past and was infinite in extent, the night sky would be completely bright – filled with the light from an infinite number of stars in a cosmos that had always existed.

For a long time scientists, including Albert Einstein, thought that the universe was static and infinite. Observations have since shown that it is in fact expanding, and at an accelerating rate. This means that it must have originated from a more compact state that we call the Big Bang, implying that time does have a beginning. In fact, if we look for light that is old enough we can even see the relic radiation from Big Bang – the cosmic microwave background. Realising this was a first step in determining the age of the universe (see below).

But there is a snag, Einstein’s special theory of relativity, shows that time is … relative: the faster you move relative to me, the slower time will pass for you relative to my perception of time. So in our universe of expanding galaxies, spinning stars and swirling planets, experiences of time vary: everything’s past, present and future is relative.

So is there a universal time that we could all agree on?

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I'm not sure what "time" is, but I know I never have enough of it.
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Except when you're waiting in a doctors office. It slows to a stop. With only a three year old better homes and garden to occupy you.
Time .We spend way to much time thinking about time .Their is a time that a child is expected to be born( due date ) .A number of days a doctor expects someone to live after that diagnosis .A time to wake a time to go to bed .A time for sunrise and sunset .A retirement date .We make sure to set our clocks and mark our calendars .One thing for certain is that these things will happen regardless of the time .Babies are born- the old will die- the sun will rise ,and set .We all wait for the right time,but time will never wait for us .Love ,Live ,Laugh and be kind to others .It is time now.The future is not guaranteed,don't wait .....;)
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Time .We spend way to much time thinking about time .Their is a time that a child is expected to be born( due date ) .A number of days a doctor expects someone to live after that diagnosis .A time to wake a time to go to bed .A time for sunrise and sunset .A retirement date .We make sure to set our clocks and mark our calendars .One thing for certain is that these things will happen regardless of the time .Babies are born- the old will die- the sun will rise ,and set .We all wait for the right time,but time will never wait for us .Love ,Live ,Laugh and be kind to others .It is time now.The future is not guaranteed,don't wait .....;)
The wheel always turns....

“It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops. Today, October 2, a Sunday of rain and broken branches and leaf-clogged drains and slick streets, it stopped and summer was gone.”
A. Bartlett Giamatti
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