What changed?

Cowboys and Indians and cops an robbers. Not only is it socially unacceptable kids no longer have play guns.
Yes, this is one I miss myself even now! lol I clearly remember we "had permission" on Saturday mornings to get up and fix our own breakfast cereal and sit in front of the TV on the floor with it while we watched cartoons. I realize you can now go and stream them at will or go to the cartoon channel, but it's just not the same! It's not "special" anymore!

Oh, and waiting to get together as a family to watch that movie of the week that you had to watch at that time to be part of all the conversation the next day about it at work or school. There was no "don't tell me...I have it recorded" thing. There was buzz around the water cooler or on the playground the next morning!
Good examples
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Having a special day/morning for watching cartoons. It only happened Saturday mornings when I was young. Mom and Dad could sleep in, the kids were happy with cartoons.

The quality of cartoons has really gone downhill. What you have today is mostly slapstick and the "cheap laffs", or even worse, morally bankrupt postmodern nihilistic garbage.

Cartoons, the good ones, are at their core retellings of the themes of ancient, timeless stories -- what a hero must do, and what he must become.

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