What Activity...


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
South of Indy
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usually bass, but love catfish and crappie fishing at night., great way to spend a weekend.
Bass, bluegill and crappie here. We have an on property private lake to fish that has a bit of everything. Haven't been in ages, but I'm hoping to do a bit this summer.
Bass, bluegill and crappie here. We have an on property private lake to fish that has a bit of everything. Haven't been in ages, but I'm hoping to do a bit this summer.
living on a lake is wonderful, we lived on the lake of the Ozarks back in the 90's, I fished daily in all my free time. been trying to live back on a lake or river ever since.
Horseback riding, painting and knitting. I am never board as long as I have my horse some yarn and a Paint by number :p

I tried horseback riding once, didn't turn out well.. That was the meenest horse in existance I think. Figured out in about five seconds that wasn't my thing...lol.
I tried horseback riding once, didn't turn out well.. That was the meenest horse in existance I think. Figured out in about five seconds that wasn't my thing...lol.
HA! The one and only time I was on a horse, the darn thing bucked me off and walked back to the barn...as did I. My sister was an excellent rider, even did the tricks and stuff. My trick was falling off and never getting back on.

As for what else makes me lose time, being here on the forum does it for me. I get going looking for content, etc, and 4 hours later I look up and go "It's what time???"