What ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About The Pyramids!


Magically Delicious
Jul 24, 2015
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Isla Mariposa
Did you know that pretty much EVERYTHING we have EVER been taught at school about The Pyramids is incorrect and wrong!??

Did you know, for instance, that not ONE mummy was found in any of the Pyramid’s?

Did you know that, even in today’s modern age, with all our high tech machines and state of the art technology, there is no way we could ever reproduce even one of those amazingly beautiful structures.

Several leading researchers believe that the truth about the pyramids has been hidden away from us for thousands upon thousands years by those in power and control us. They believe we have ALL been lied to and that the history books need to be completely re-written!!


Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and Nassim Haramein present their extensive evidence to the world! Hancock’s explains how Egyptologists claim that the pyramids were built around the year 2500 B.C. but his own research proves that they may be much older and perhaps even 12,000 years old. And we’re still asking questions:
  • “Who built these pyramids?
  • Why is Orion’s Belt so significant in the alignment of The Great Pyramids?
  • Might the creators be from another planet and does the alignment with the stars give us clues as to when they might return?”

All questions that we ALL want to know more about, I think you will agree. See video in full article.

Graham Hancock,Robert Bauval, and Nassim Haramein all present extensive evidence against the history we have been taught brainwashed with, and what those in power do NOT want you to ever know about!

At some time in the very near future, our school textbooks will need to be completely rewritten in truth and complete honesty and not filled with propaganda, lies and agendas. Researchers such as Hancock, Haramein, Robert Bauval, Michael Cremo and others have exposed the truths that academia fails to explain.

One good example, is in Graham Hancock’s book, The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, he explains clearly exactly how Egyptologists claim that the pyramids were built around the year 2500 B.C. Hancock’s research exposes deep erosion patterns on the sides of the Sphinx that were caused by 1,000 years of heavy rain. The last time Egypt saw these types of ‘severe’ conditions was at the end of the last ice age, approximately 10,000-9,000 B.C.. This means that the Sphinx might be at the very least more than 12,000 years old (versus what we’ve been taught – only 4500 years).

The Pyramids in my personal opinion were created from the influence of Higher Intelligent beings, perhaps not from this world or this Dimension…even with all of today’s leading technology we, the Human Race, STILL do not know how these magnificent structures from around the world come about!? (Doesn’t seem quite right to us guys here at U.I.P).

There really is something mesmerizing about the Pyramids and even though you have the idiotic scum ISIS threatening to destroy them (this would cause violence around the world beyond belief!) I am sure that we can all pretty much agree that these superb works of construction pickles all of our brains…..perhaps one day, whoever created these superb structures, they will appear and introduce themselves to the world! (here’s hoping!?).

These are the questions we NEED the answers too:

Who really built these pyramids?

Why is Orion’s Belt so significant in the alignment of these pyramids?

Are the pyramids some sort of time table of alignment for when the creators will return to this planet?

Is the erosion on the side of the Sphinx a geological warning of a 12,500 year cycle of planetary cleansing?

It is believed that Atlantis existed over 10,000 years ago.

Is it possible that some major event that led to the demise of Atlantis is responsible for the erosion patterns on the side of the the Sphinx?

What we do know is that the history we have been taught is skewed.

What ‘They’ Don’t Want You To Know About The Pyramids! | Paranormal

Will we ever know the full story?
Awesome post Mokey ;). I believe all 4 of those guys have been guests on Art's shows -Hancock, Bauval, and Cremo for sure. We were taught in "skool" that these were tombs! Based on what, I can not imagine, since there are no mummies! I think this, among other inaccuracies and snow-jobs, is why most of us weren't history fans back in our school days. When my daughter gets to history, I would like to make several corrections to her textbook of things I was taught, and later found out to be false!
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Wasn't there a group of bored grad student back in the 1980's who built a scaled down pyramid from scratch using only technologies available at the time?
I believe there was, however, the whole thing was on such a small scale that it was not considered proof. Sort of like building a model airplaine vs. a full sized one.
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